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KeeleyAckles: It was a much needed day out with my Unicorn🦄

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KeeleyAckles: It was a much needed day out with my Unicorn🦄. Thank you for putting a smile on my face, I needed it 😘

Tagged: Misha

Liked by Misha, JaredPadalecki, and,130M Others | 117M Comments


isha: Anytime, my Unicorn. It was my pleasure 💙

Username1: I need a Misha in my life♥️

Username2: Misha surely is wonderful🥰

Username3: Why did he have to put a smile on your face?🤔

JensenAckles: You two together means lots of weirdness and trouble

JaredPadalecki: Why would you want Misha to put a smile on your face when you have me?!

Username4: When will Keeley make an appearance at a Supernatural Convention?

Username5: They are both attractive 😍

Username6: That is sweet of him 🖤

Username7: And it is a very pretty smile

AnthonyMackie: Will you ever tell me the story behind Unicorn?

KeeleyAckles: @AnthonyMackie I'll txt you about it

TomHolland2013: Aww, Mom you deserve only happiness, always smile!🖤

DanneelAckles: It is always a good time when Misha is around, miss you both 💜💜

Renner4Real: Did I miss something?

Username8: Misha looks so good🥰

Username9: Fucking skank🤮

Username10: She loves sleeping around

Username11: @ImSebastianStan

Username12: Charlie and Castiel

Username13: I want a frienship like theirs

ChrisEvans: Misha can't take all of the credit! I made you smile today too and also text me back, woman!

KeeleyAckles: @ChrisEvans I did

RobertDowneyJr: Sounds like we need some father daughter time

KeeleyAckles: @RobertDowneyJr I'm down for that when I get back

Username14: @ImSebastianStan

Username15: Why do they call each other 'my unicorn?'

Username16: @Username15 Because when she was on Supernatural, their characters called each other that. I guess they decided to continue My Unicorn in real life.

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