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"Now you tell me that you've fallen in love
Well I never ever thought that would be
This time, you gotta take it easy"

"Throwing far too much emotions at me" I sang along to the Spice Girls we had blasting in our little private area, bringing it back to the 90s. I walked over or should I say swaying my hips as I spotted my friend Khloe at the start of the ocean where the waves crash over your feet. I stopped directly behind the brunette feeling the cold ocean run through my own feet. Instead of standing next to her, I stayed behind to wrap one arm around her. My other hand had a half empty glass of wine that I didnt want to drop.

From feeling my arm, her hand went up to get a slight grip on my my arm, leaning back into me. "Sing with me!"

"But any fool can see they're falling
I gotta make you understand"

She sang her Posh part surprisingly in key

"Nice singing, Posh!" I smiled, staring out into the 'painted picture like' view that was breathtaking.

"Thanks" She laughed, sighing "Isn't it crazy how big the ocean actually is and how far it goes?"

"Never really thought about it but it is crazy" I never truly had a thought about it as much as I enjoyed the beach "taking in the moment?"

"I am, I like the little things in life like this"

"Nothing wrong with that"

"Hey, can I have a sip of your drink?"

"Of course" I held up the glass for her to take from me, which she gladly did. With my hand free, I wrapped that arm around her as well for better balance.

She took a sip bringing the glass up to her lips.
"Tweedle Khlo and Tweedle Kee!" we heard from a slight distance

That had us turn to where the voice came from.

It was Elizabeth who hilariously called such a thing out loud

Walking closer to us so she wouldn't have to yell more over the music, she had more to say "Scar rented 8 jet skies, you in?" making a jet skie squat gesture

That actually sounded like a hell of a lot of fun "I'm game"

"Do we get to wear Life jackets?" Khloe questioned her back

She shrugged her shoulders "I believe so"

"Good because I can see myself flying off one, but I'm down"

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now