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After all of the fun I wanted Sebastian to finally and officially meet someone very special to me that he has not met yet. My horse Samwise who I saved years ago. He lived on my parent's farm.

Seb and I walked hand in hand to the horse ranch that wasn't too far from the guest house.

Opening it with a light push, we headed inside. The farm was so welcoming it was cozy in here - just the right temperature for horses along with hay that was spread around the entire floor for them.

My parents had horses in here including mine.
Hearing that someone has entered their home the horses stuck their heads out of their own stables

I loved animals. If my parents didn't push me in the direction of being an actress I would've became a veterinarian.

Sebastian was looking around as I lead him though the stables. I wanted to introduce him to all these beautiful horse as we passed by them. The first one was all black "He is Fonzi"

"Great name, that has to be Jensen's horse" he got to know my brother well.

He hit the nail right on the head "Yup it is" the next one was black with white markings all around its body and face "He is Domino" then there was a chestnut brown horse with a white face "She is Cinnamon" Near her was the solid brown horse "He is called Kokomo" After her came the white and gray horse "That is Misty" and there was a palomino colored horse "She is Gypsy"

I saved the best one for last, my boy who was all white "This guy is Samwise" I opened the gate for me to walk in to his stable. Seb followed closely behind me, as I greeted him "Hey boy!"

Samwise made a horse noise putting his face into my neck. It was his way of giving me a hug as I petted him.

"Wow," Seb watched the sight in front of him "I really do have a competition"

I laughed at that "well he was my boyfriend before you came into my life" I looked back at my man noticing that he was standing a distance away. "You're not afraid are you?"

"No," Seb shook his head, not moving from his spot "I seen and heard things about what horses do when they don't know someone"

"He is a good boy. You'll be fine" I held out my hand for him to take it. Seb glanced at it before placing our hands together. I pulled him closer to me "Give him a reason not to fear you" I raised our hands together to be placed onto Samwise's short white fur. "He can tell that you're not a threat to me so he will like you. Sam took one glance at Vince and freaked out. He broke Vince's arm." My horse is protective of me

"Really?" His eyes almost bugged put looking at me, it was pretty cute

It really did happen "Yup, he wanted Sam to be turned to glue for that. I had stopped it from happening"

Sam made another horse noise

I let go of Seb's hand for him to continue petting him without me "What do you think about a horseback ride. Up for it?"

Seb was starting to be okay with the huge animal in front of him "We could"

"Have you ever?" I didn't know if he ever ridden one before. I been riding horses my entire life.


"So you're sure?"

"Yeah with my girlfriend as a professional horseback rider I'll be fine"

"Okay let me get the saddles and riding gear"

I left my man with my boy alone to get the few items I needed.

Coming back it was the cutest view I ever seen in my life beside my niece. Sebastian was smiling while Samwise moved his face into his neck for a hug "Aww" I was melting from the sight before me. If I didnt have all this shit in my hands I would've taken a picture.

From hearing my voice, Seb looked up at me "What?"

"See you had nothing to worry about." I placed the equipment down from one hand, still holding onto the cowboy hats I held in the other "I never seen him take a liking to and hug someone so fast. See he does like you"

He smiled at the animal "I think so"

I walked over to him, placing a cowboy hat onto his head "Wow what a handsome cowboy"

Seb let go of my boy to place his arms around me now "Why not save a horse and ride this cowboy"

I shook my head from that saying "Later, cowboy"

"Put on your hat!" Seb saw that I had another hat in my hand

It was a smaller one fit for a woman. Placing it on my head, I smiled at him not being able to model it being in his arms. "How do I look?"

"Like a fucking sexy cowgirl" I could see his pupils growing from lust "Can we wear these later?"

"We could do that, but let's ride the actual horse first" I went over to put a saddle around Samwise so that we could sit comfortably on the horse.

"Are we going on separate horses?" He seemed to be a little hesitant about it

"We can ride on Sam together since it's your first time"

"I rather that."

"Okay you can go up first" Sebastian jumped up onto the saddle and scooted towards the back
Once he was up Seb reached a hand out for me to take and help me up. Being in front of him I took the reins while Seb held onto my waist to keep a balance,


"You're taking the lead so whenever you're ready"

"Let's go, Samwise"

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now