47:| Massage

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I picked one movie I never seen before "Zach and Miri Make a Porno," but was interested in watching since Khloe always recommended I should. I shifted so I was pressed up against my loving man, legs tangled together with our feet resting on the coffee table ready to devour the popcorn.

Seb cracked up so much to a point where he almost chocked on the popcorn when the one guys in the movie shat on the camera man sitting under him, making me to start gagging so bad at the disgust of it.

Besides that I got engrossed into the movie, which isn't unusual, I felt just a little uncomfortable at all the many sex parts since it was a "make a porno" movie, but it was quite funny and enjoyable to watch.

Seb noticed this, but nothing got by him when it came to me "Does this alarm you?"

I wouldn't say it "Alarmed" me just made me slightly uncomfortable "Sex doesn't alarm me"

"How would you know?" mimicking Mycroft as he got the reference

I slapped his arm playfully "It doesn't! I'm just seeing a lot of private body parts I ever wanted to see in my life"

He laughed at my comment, but joked with a hint of seriousness "Just want to see mine?"

My eyes went wide, but quickly rolled them at such a comment he made "Oh yes" I paused for a moment "Soon"

But Sebastian caught that "Soon? How soon?"
I had nothing else to say to that besides "Just soon"

Getting almost towards the end of the movie, his mind whipped out what we were watching as Seb couldn't help but watch his girl enjoying and smiling at the movie.

Worshiping every inch of me, he kissed the side of my head here and there whispering sweet nothings into my ear every so often almost distracting me away from the movie.

After the movie, there was nothing really on
"Hmm" He thought for a quick moment "How about a video game?"

I was up for that "sure"

Sebastian pecked me on the lips then stood up to set up my Xbox system. When he bent down to plug the wire into the outlet I couldn't control myself to not look at his backside having a great view. I giggled quietly to myself, but stopped shortly when he sat on the floor turning to glance at me quickly before looking at the games and back at me doing a double take "What?"

I couldn't whip the smile off my face "Nothing" I spoke with a giggle

He sent me a smile asking "What game?

"Killer Zombies"

Sebastian didn't argue "Killer Zombies it is then!" he put the game in and walked over and handing me my own controller.

"Ready?" He asked

"Let's do this!" I said with much spirit as possible sitting up crossing my legs Indian style "I am so going to kill more zombies then you!"

"I doubt that" Seb didn't believe that

"Oh really?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised

"Yes!" My competitive side was breaking out of me "Well I guess we'll have to see who the better zombie killer is!"

"We shall see!" There was silence until Seb wanting a deal to go along with this game "let's make a deal"

I was curious to hear what he meant "What kind of deal?"

Seb explained "Whoever wins has to do something for the other"

That didn't sound like a bad idea at all. I quit liked the sound of that "Fine if I win" I trailed off thinking of something I wanted "you have to give me a massage"

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now