57:| Mystery Girl

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I was on a break in costume, as I sat in my black chair that had my name on the back. I was texting my brother, just chatting.

A distance ahead of me was noise of a scene being filmed.

Sebastian was filming a scene with Chris

"Wifey, what are you up to?" I heard a familiar voice followed by long skinny arms wrapping around me, they must have finished, I didn't even hear anyone tell 'cut'

Placing my phone in my lap, I smiled to myself knowing who it was "Nothing just annoying my brother. How about you, my love?"

Scarlett spun her gorgeous self over to sit on my lap in her Black Widow outfit "Waiting for the next scene" soon she, me, Seb, Rob, Chadwick, Chris and I were going to film the scene where we fight the Winter Soldier.

"Same" I nodded

"Are you doing anything with Seb later?"

"No," Not today I wasn't. I love hanging out with him more than anyone even Chris. Yes, I said that, but we do need our space too "He is hanging with Jeremy. They are watching a football game or something. Why what's up?"

"Perfect" Scar piped up smiling "Then you can hang with me! It has been a while since we had some wifey time"

I agreed. Girl time can do me some good "Yes, I would love that. My place or yours?"

She thought about it for a moment "Yours. I want to see my lil man Tucker"

"Oh I see you want to see my boy" I acted offended, leaning away from her a little " You are just using me" I placed my hand over my heart, shaking my head

"You caught me" She began chuckling at me with a shrug "Nah, he is just a bonus"

"Sure, Scar sure"

"We can teach him tricks, have some wine" Scar started coming up with ideas to do

I surely had a great idea "Watch Hocus Pocus"

"Yes!" Who could turn down Hocus Pocus? "cuddle to make your boy jealous"

A felt a smile growing on my face "I'm sure he wouldn't mind -" I stopped mid sentence when my eyes scanned to where Sebastian would be. I looked to see him leaning against a wall. He wasn't alone. There was a very pretty girl leaning into Seb as she was being a little too flirtatious. He was smiling and laughing with her too "Who the hell is that?" I questioned. I didn't mean for that to sound as angry as it came out.

"What?" Scar wiped her head around to see what I was looking at and talking about.

"Her!" I repeated

"Ut-oh" Scarlett was teasing me "Someone is jealous"

My head snapped towards her calmly saying "Me jealous? I am not jealous!" trying to ignore the knots in my stomach.

"Yeah that is why you were glaring at the girl!" she declared "You so are! It is adorable and to answer your question she is Kasey, the daughter of Davis" a producer for the movie "He made her an intern. She apperently wants to become a producer so he let her on set"

"Oh" I didnt know about it

"Getting a little flirtatious there" She commented, still looking at the girl. At least she agreed with me.


Then Scar suggested to me "why not go over there and show her Seb is yours!"

I ripped my gaze from the pretty girl "what?"

"Oh just come on!" Scar hopped off me, tightly grabbed my arm and started to drag me over to them in the middle of their conversation. Scar practically shoved me onto Sebastian's arms.

That got their attention.

I noticed Seb's face immediately light up seeing me, wrapping his non metal arm around me. I caught a glimpse of the girl leaning away from him sending me a rude look. Sebastian smiled at me "Where have you been? I texted you like ten minutes ago!"

"You did?" I questioned. I grabbed my phone from my pocket to find that he did text me "Oh, I didn't see it!"

"I'm stealing your girl tonight" Scar got out attention from one another.

I feel like she said that for the girl to know.
Seb's arm tightened around me "Hey, she's all mine"

"Excuse me" She shot back to him "but she was my wife before you two met. You have Mackie."

"True" He agreed to that with their bromance "I do have Mack Attack."

"Hey!" He has me now! I mean I love Scarlett but its Sebastian.

"You're way better, Babe"

Dam right!

I was enjoying this little banter over me though
Scar went to say something but a Russo called out her name and she had to leave.

"Are you hungry?" Seb questioned me.
It was around lunch time

I surely was, but I can eat whenever I love food "Starving"

"Want to go eat then before they call us to film?" before we have to fight each other


Sebastian took my hand in his and we began to walk away, but the girl, who I totally forgot was even there, said something to Seb "Wait, you never answered my question!" she whined twirling her hair.

I kept my eyes on him when he told her politely as he could "I have to decline your offer, like I said I am seeing someone!" and with that we walked away.

Getting a distance ahead from her I had to ask "What did that girl offer you?" I was just being nosy.

He told me straight up "She wanted me to go over her house tonight since her roommate will not be home"

With that I felt like I knew what the girl had in mind. Being me and what I gone through what I said next was expected "You said no" It was more of a statement than a question. Why would he say yes?

Seb heard the hint of worry in my voice reassuring me with a smile "Of course I said no" He was not that kind of guy anymore and would never do that to Keeley "Why would I when you are the girl of my dreams?"

I'll keep saying this: Sebastian will be the death of me! I cant with this man, always making float on cloud nine.

"Also before I forget I have plans for us tomorrow night"

"Oh yeah?" I was intrigued "What kind of plans?"

"Some alone time in my apartment and make my girl dinner" He had something in mind and wasn't going to let me know.

"What's the special occasion?" Why is he always going such nice things for me?!

"Does there need to be a special occasion to do something romantic?"

"Nope, just wondering"

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