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"Hey Babe, I am so glad you picked up I didnt think you were going to"

"I wasnt going to. What is going on, Seb?"

"I can explain"

"Why are you hanging out with your ex?"

"She is in the movie with me. I didnt know she was until she showed up the other day"

"Why are you hanging out with her though? Are you cheating on me?!"

"No of course not, Babe"

"You two looked pretty close!"

"She was clinging onto me that night. We all went out that night t blow off steam and hang out. It meant nothing. Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?"


"I meant what I said Margarita and I are over. All I want is you. We only talk nothing else I promise you."

"*Sigh heavily*"

"She wants for you to believe something is going on between us again. She wants to break us up, Keels."

"I still have this fear that I'm going to lose you. Seeing those pics got me worried and now Khloe is trying to put things in my head."

"Dont listen to her just listen to me. I know how you're feeling, Keeley I get it, but I'm not going anywhere. She means nothing to me anymore. I'm just working with her nothing is going on and nothing will happen. I can't lose you ether. You're my everything. All I want to do is come back to you. Please tell me that you believe me"

"I do believe you"

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now