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When I hit the fresh air, a cold breeze hit me, causing goosebumps to race across my skin. An uncomfortable shiver filled up my body. I made a good choice with the long sleeve shirt however it was a bad idea to not bring a jacket as it does get cold at night time. I tried to ignore it, but it was hard to do so.

Sebastian seemed to notice "Are you cold?"

"No, I'm fine" I lied trying to retain my shivers.

His eyes narrowed he knew I was lying. I watched him take off his jacket and hold it up so I can put my arms through it

"You sure?" I had to question. I didn't want to just take his jacket from him.

"Yes, I am" he reassured me "put on my Jacket!"

"You won't be cold?"

He shook his head "I'll be fine!" Sebastian didn't have to tell me again. I spun around and he helped me slip on his jacket.

That wasn't the end of it though, unexpectedly, Sebastian draped and arm around me pulling me close to him. I glanced up at the handsome man, smiling at him "Thanks" before subconsciously causing me to lay my head into him. It felt nice to be in this position. The warmth of the jacket plus his body heat had me feeling so much warmer, melting into him. Being so close to him, I got a whiff of his scent and dam he smelt good too.

"You're welcome" I heard him say

We started walking, I assumed he had to have walked here too then.

"So where do you live?" he questioned
"Morris Street" I informed him

He paused for a moment "Oh right you live with Chris in the apartment complex" Khloe and I are in his apartment that he rents down here when he films his Marvel.

Chris must have told him that "Yup I do"

"I just moved there a few days ago."
Sebastian explained "I live in the Apartment right above yours"

"Oh really?" that was cool. "I am surprised Chris isn't moving out of our place to live with you" he lives with two girls.

"Actually" Sebastian informed me, jokingly "He suggested that I move in with him and you move upstairs"

"That jerk" I playfully said, smiling to myself, knowing that Chris was only kidding about that.

"He loves having you as a roommate though" Sebastian admitted

"He said that?" We only live separately on the really long days at work when we sleep in our own trailers.

"Yeah he talks about you a lot" It actually made Sebastian really curious to meet me to find out if I was really as great as Christopher always described.

I bit my lip, telling him with hope in my voice "He says good things I hope?"

Chris does like to embarrass me, he gets joy out of it.

"Of course" he reveal

Suddenly out of the blue, a random craving popped into my head "I want ice cream" I announced "Do you want ice cream?" I have a sweet tooth

He laughed at me, as I felt the vibration through his chest. "Aren't you cold?"

I was but I was getting better "Kind of, but I could go for some ice cream. How about you?"

"We could get ice cream"

"Yay" I got a little bit excited.

Sebastian suddenly asked me "Where is the closest place?"

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now