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I was in Texas doing one of the main things I Signed up to do while I was out here; the Supernatural Convention.

Today was the day of my panels, autographs, and photo ops which is totally fine however I was feeling quite nervous. Yet this isn't even my first con....I do this a lot. It is part of my job description, but being on stage in front of a crowd alone can be a little nerve wracking for me. The only good thing about being up on that stage is that I can't even see the audience. From all the white blinding lights shinning on the stage, everyone out in the distance are just blurry blobs.

I'm nervous


I don't know just am

No need to be, Babe
you'll be fine

I know I just have this
thing about being the
center of attention alone

Just imagine I'm
the only one in the
audience smiling up
at you

Seb:Just imagine I'mthe only one in theaudience smiling upat you

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Now I'm smiling like
an idiot at my phone

Are you still nervous?

Actually no

There ya go

They are calling me
to the stage

Call me after your panel

On the stage, I pictured my handsome smiling boyfriend while waiting for questions to be thrown my way.

"Did you like playing Charlie?"

"Yes, she is my fav role to play other than Crimson Shadow but Charlie is such an awesome well rounded person that represents so much. Playing her is a privilege and fun fact I was only supposed to do one episode where I was at Dick Romans enterprise. They wanted a Keeley Ackles type for the role and they were like why don't we just ask Keeley Ackles to play her. I was like thank you and they kept writing me back in"

"Did you know you were going to be killed off?"

"I didn't know until the episode before it happened. It was upsetting to me I think it had a strong reaction from the fan base which is probably what they wanted. I'm very killable it happens a lot. I always think to myself, you never get killed off unless you know that the audience will care and I'm so lucky to play so many characters people loved."

"Did you ever think you'd come back?"

"I always thought I would, yes because nobody in Supernatural dies all the way. I mean Cas died like ten times. I'm excited about this new Charlie. I don't want to get into detail because spoilers, so just keep watching"

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now