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KeeleyAckles: TBT to the Supernatural photoshoot we did after Charlie died #Supernatural #IMissThem #CharlieBradbury

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KeeleyAckles: TBT to the Supernatural photoshoot we did after Charlie died #Supernatural #IMissThem #CharlieBradbury

Tagged: MishaCollins JensenAckles JaredPadalecki

Liked by JaredPadalecki, MishaCollins, and 137.5M others/ 117M Comments

Username1: #BringBackCharlie

ChrisEvans: Isn't this the shoot where you sprained your wrist?

KeeleyAckles: @ChrisEvans It is 🤦🏼‍♀️

Username2: Too soon, Keeley 😭

Username3: This hurts too much💔

RealScarJo: Nooo it made me sad when Charlie died

MishaCollins: Hottest dead body I ever seen

KeeleyAckles: @MishaCollins Lmao thanks, Misha and thanks for stepping on me

MishaCollins: @KeeleyAckles Best way to check if you are truly dead

KhloePadalecki: A typical photoshoot with ya'll😂

Username4: #BringBackCharlie

ImSebastianStan: I don't like it I can't see your beautiful face

PrattPrattPratt: Nice, I like this😜

KeeleyAckles: @PrattPrattPratt Figured you would😜

Username5: #BringBackCharlie

ElizabethOlsen: What's even going on haha

AnthonyMackie: This looks like a shoot Seb, me, and you would end up doing together

KeeleyAckles: @AnthonyMackie True 😂

Username6: #BringBackCharlie

JaredPadalecki: Charlie!😕 one of my favorite photoshoots we've done #BringBackCharlie

KeeleyAckles: @JaredPadalecki You like it because you were messing with me when my eyes were closed

Username7: Spoiler😡

Username8: ⤴️ How is this a spoiler? It happened 5 seasons ago

TomHolland2013: I feel like I need to watch this show

Username9: They look so good

JensenAckles: @KeeleyAckles Good times! I miss you here on Supernatural helping us mess with Misha

KeeleyAckles: @JensenAckles Lmao I miss that too

MishaCollins: @JensenAckles @KeeleyAckles Thanks

Username10: #BringBackCharlie

Username11: Why does everyone with boobs have to die Supernatural?

Username12: Charlie is my girl

Username13: Couldn't stand Charlie tbh

Username14: I'm glad she was killed off

Username15: #BringBackCharlie

Username16: #BringBackCharlie

Username17: #BringBackCharlie

Username18: I don't remember this shoot

Username19: Misha, you are not wearing a watch

Username20: I want a photo op like this

Username21: I want Misha to step on me

Username22: Me every time I see a picture of Jared

Username23: If Charlie died we would've never got you to play Rachel

Username24: Why am I just seeing this now?

Username25: #BringBackCharlie

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