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ImSebastianStan: I'm sick over all of the hate my girlfriend is receiving

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ImSebastianStan: I'm sick over all of the hate my girlfriend is receiving. Keeley and I are still together and are very happy. We just hit a small bump in the road like every other relationship does from time to time. We made up and are doing fine. I certainly do not appreciate anyone calling her demeaning names because she posted a picture of herself hanging out with someone who isn't me! If you insult her you insult me! Keeley of all people doesn't deserve any kind of hate, but you know what? I love you Keels and that is all that matters!

Tagged: KeeleyAckles

Liked by JensenAckles, ChrisEvans, and 142.8M Others | 125M Comments

ChrisEvans: I am feeling very insulted too. My bestfriend has the purest soul out of anyone I know and she doesn't deserve this. I love you @KeeleyAckles so fucking much

Username1: ⤴️That's great Chris, but language!!

Username2: ⤴️ Chris protect Keeley

PrattPrattPratt: Excuse me, I am the only one who gets to insult Keeley! I don't understand why she gets so much hate when all that wonderful woman deserves is love

Username3: ⤴️ You know it is real when Pratt says something nice about her♥️

RealScarJo: I'm definitely insulted, let my amazing Wife live her life💜

Username4: What even happened?

Username5: But...she does deserve hate

Username6: What a man you are🥰

ElizabethOlsen: People are so quick to jump to unnecessary conclusions. We know the truth, Keeley would never do anything to hurt anyone especially you

JensenAckles: Again, seriously? I've had enough of people hating on my sister! She is loved by her family, fuck everyone else!

Username7: ⤴️ Jensen your Dean is showing

Username8: ⤴️ Yesss Jensen

Username9: ⤴️ Awww protective brother

Username10: Say it louder for the haters!!

Username11: Wonderfully said Sebastian

Username12: Protect her Sebastian she loves you, the real fans know this💜

Username13: True though she posted an innocent pic and everyone went ape shit

Username14: I'm sobbing😭 you're an amazing boyfriend, Sebastian

TomHolland2013: I will fight anyone who insults my Mom. She is the most amazing woman, who puts others before herself. Why hate on someone who is too pure for this world!

AnthonyMackie: I don't even appreciate the hate that Goldilocks is getting over a picture. Come on people, really? Stupid!! You have people who truly love you, @KeeleyAckles remember that

Username15: ⤴️ Wow that is the nicest thing I ever seen Anthony write🖤

Username16: Love can be stronger than hate

KhloeEvans: One little bump in the road and all Hell breaks loose. Your love for each other is too strong to separate. Let Keels enjoy her life with friends. Misha is a fun person to be around. She can be friends with him and have fun platonically.

Username17: Don't worry Sebastian there are some of us who love Keeley and love you two together

RobertDowneyJr: No one matters except for the people who love Keels

Renner4Real: I'll go all Hawkeye on anyone who insults Keels

Username18: Why would anyone hate Keeley?

TWHiddleston: I'll never understand the hate Keeley gets by posting a picture. She deserves kind words. If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all

JaredPadalecki: Ignore the hate @KeeleyAckles and always keep fighting. We know the real you and how amazing you are♥️

Username19: People hate on her because they are jealous

Username20: At least Sebley is okay

Username21: Exactly not every relationship is perfect. Even famous couples get into fights too. Sometimes we need our friends to vent to and help us smile

Misha: Keels and I been good friend since we met on Supernatural. What friends do together is hang out, that's not a crime! Sorry @KeeleyAckles for the unnecessary hate your receiving. I love you, my Unicorn.

Username22: Keeley's last post was like a shit show in the comments

Username23: We love Keeley💙

Username24: Let the woman live her life, Jesus Christ!

DanneelAckles: Ridiculous! it's like a crime if she hangs with anyone who isn't you, Seb Fuck the haters, love you both💜

Usermame25: Let's shower @KeeleyAckles with love💙💙💙

Username26: Sebastian, you are an amazing boyfriend.

Username27: No one can be friends with anyone anymore without people assuming shit

Usermame28: Thank God you two didn't break up

Username29: They call her demeaning names because they are jealous

Username30: There are some of us that don't hate your girlfriend

Username31: Look what you did people! You made Sebastian sick and think how Keeley might be feeling!

Username32: Preach Sebastian preach

Username33: Hate comes with the job of being a celebrity

Username34: I guess people think you are only allowed to make Keeley smile so does that mean her friends have to make her sad?

Username35: Never break up!

Usermame36: Well said

Username37: This is why social media is a bad thing

Username38: I don't even understand why there is hate over a picture

Username39: I guess Keeley is supposed to be miserable not happy?

Username40: Calm down Sebastian we love you

Username41: I'll fight anyone who insults my celeb crush Keeley!!

Username42: Haters gonna hate so shake it off!

Username43: @KeeleyAckles Don't be sad over the hate. You are dating Sebastian Stan be proud!💙

Username44: Tbh I wouldn't mind people thinking I am fucking Misha

Username45: You must be the best frikken boyfriend, Keeley is lucky

Username46: Keeley needs a hug, hug her Sebastian

Username47: I'm actually curious what they fought about🤔

Usermame48: There are people in this world who are just ridiculous

Username49: People have to think why would Keeley cheat on Sebastian. I mean look at the man!

Username50: I've met Keeley at a Convention once and she was the sweetest person who doesn't seem like the type of person to hurt even a fly. I love her no hate here

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