116:| Wake Up

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Feeling myself wake up, the first thing I heard was a beep of a heart monitor nearby.

I fluttered my eyes open to an unfamiliar bright white room surrounded by machines.

I am in a hospital?

And I wasn't alone there was a presence in the room. Turning my head to the side, I found a tired looking Sebastian slouched in the chair next to the bed, flipping through channels on the tv.

"Seb" I groaned to get his attention

From me calling out he snapped his head in my direction to see relief washing over his handsome face.

He grabbed my hand immediately moving closer to the bed "You're up" he exclaimed mostly to himself

"Why am I in the hospital?" that might be a stupid question

"Do you remember what happened to you?" he wondered

I tried to recall, but I couldn't "No"

"The doctor said you might not due to the swelling." he frowned "You had an accident on set, you fell"

"I fell?" I really shouldn't be shocked about that, sometimes I was quite clumsy

"You were doing a scene on a harness and it broke causing you to hit the ground pretty hard."

"So I'm okay?" I assumed. Nothing seemed to be too bad with me as I saw nothing was broken and I was awake.

"You are now, yes"

Everything must have happened so fast that I couldn't recall what happened, but I was sore and in the hospital to prove it.

"Keels" Seb got up from his seat to sit on my bed, holding my hand even tighter "I am so happy you are okay. You scared me we almost lost you"

I was taken back by his words. They almost lost me? "I'm sorry"

"Hey it's okay" He smiled small "You are strong and made it through. I thank you for that"

That got me to smile "Come here" I patted the seat next to me as I let out a groan, clutching my stomach due to me trying to shift and make room.

Sebastian didn't want to see me in pain "Don't move, Babe"

"I'm fine" trying avoid the pain "I want you next to me"

He nodded, moving to position himself lying next to me.

"So you are you gunna kiss me or what? It's been too long" I been awake for minutes yet we haven't even kissed once yet.

Seb smiled at me knowing I wouldn't even have to ask him twice. He turned his head and leaned in for a tender kiss,

The kiss felt so good we pushed in for another one.

"The others can't wait to see you"

"Who is here?" I was special enough for people to fly out here and see me.

"Tom, Chis, and Khloe"

"Really" My heart warmed a bit hearing they are here "They came?"

"Of course they did" He knew they cared for Keeley like he did "Your family should be on their way from Texas too"

I nodded, happy to hear that my parents would be here too "If they are here where are they?" not that I dont mind this little alone time with Seb.

"Down in the cafeteria to eat which reminds me." He sat up to move a rolling table closer to me with had a tray of food on top "Your doctor told me you had to eat as soon as you wake up"

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