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TomHolland: My Mom and Dad took me out for Pizza

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TomHolland: My Mom and Dad took me out for Pizza

Tagged: KeeleyAckles ImSebastianStan

Liked by RealScarJo, PrattPrattPratt 97.9M Others | 70.4M Comments

Username1: I ship It🤷🏻‍♀️

ImSebastianStan: Nice picture of us

Username2: Is my OTP canon or what?!

RealScarJo: Cute family

ChrisEvans: Yesss my ship is sailing

Username3: ⤴️ Omg he even ships it

Username4: ⤴️ hahaha Chris is one of us

Username5: #Sebley

Username6: Ugh they look like brother and sister this is gross

Username7: When are they going to announce that they are dating?!

PrattPrattPratt: You want Keeley as your mom?

Username8: They look so happy together

RobertDowneyJr: Now I want pizza!

Username9: I like Keeley better with Chris tbh

Username10: Why do people ship them?

Username11: I love all three of you!!

ElizabethOlsen: Awwww this is too cute

Username12: I still dont think she deserves him

Username13: Tom, do you ship them?

TomHolland: @Username13 I do that's why they are my parents

Username14: I love that he calls them his parents

Username15: Ugh get away from him

Username16: I screenshotted this it's too precious not to save of you two

AnthonyMackie: Bring me back a slice

KeeleyAckles @AnthonyMackie Sure

AnthonyMackie: @KeeleyAckles Really?

KeeleyAckles: @AnthonyMackie Nope 😜

Username17: Please tell me you don't have pineapple on the pizza you're eating

Username18: Tom, why do you call them your parents? I just don't get it! Please stop!

Username19: They actually look cute together,....ugh I don't want to Ship this

Username20: Can I join this family????? Adopt me!!!!

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