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Being the, as Mackie likes to call me, fatass that I am I couldn't sleep so here I was in my tie-dye robe baking a chocolate mousse cake at 1 in the morning to of course then pig out on.....you know like any other normal person would do not being able to sleep?....

You might ask where is Sebastian, Tucker, or Dodger is at the moment....all sleeping!

I was being quiet as possible not to make any noise like I did the other night.

A few nights ago I was dreaming and in the dream I went to backhand slap someone. In reality I was doing the same as my hand back slapped the lamp on my bedside table right off and went flying. It was so loud that it woke us four up. Seb jumped up like "What the fuck?" being so confused lik always.

Half asleep I apologized like "sorry, the lamp fell" yes on being quiet

Yeah so luckily baking a cake wasn't too noisy as I waited for it to be done. Cleaning up the counter as I did so.

When it was time I let it sit before cutting myself a piece to put whipped cream on top. Yummm

I got comfy on the couch and turned on Netflix to catch up on Supernatural to see where it was going especially if I'm asked to come back as I stuff my face.

"Keels?" a voice was heard.

I looked up, fork in my mouth, looking like a kid being caught by their parent doing something I shouldn't be doing.

I chewed before swallowing "Yes?"

Seb yawned, slowly walking over to me "What are you doing up?"

I shruged, "I couldn't sleep." going in for another bite.

"Is that cake...we have cake?" Seb didn't remember seeing cake anywhere in the kitchen.

"I just made it like an hour ago." I explained

Seemed like a typical thing I would do "Ofcourse, you'd make cake this late at night"

"Want some?" I offered, since he was up

Seb thought for a moment "I do, actually" before walking towards the kitchen.

"There is a lot more in the frig then come cuddle with me." I called out to him.

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