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ChrisEvans: #KeelsAndChrisTogetherAgain

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ChrisEvans: #KeelsAndChrisTogetherAgain

Tagged: KeeleyAckles

Liked by KhloePadalecki, PrattPrattPratt, and 121M Others | 115M Comments

KeeleyAckles: Reunited and it feels so good

Username1: Babes

Username2: OTP

ImSebastianStan: I love making forts

Username3: I'd die to hang out with them

Username4: Yes they are together again

AnthonyMackie: Aaaaaaand where is my invite?

ChrisEvans: @AnthonyMackie I haven't seen her in a month we need Chieley time

Username5: Sebley or Chieley I am confused

RobertDowneyJr: Looks like a fun night

AnthonyMackie: @KeeleyAckles hang out with meeeeeeeee

KeeleyAckles: @AnthonyMackie text me and we'll make a plan

Username6: Yesss Chieley

ElizabethOlsen: Forts are always fun to make

Username7: Fuck they are hanging out

Username8: Which Disney movie are they watching?

TomHolland2013: I always wanted to do something like this

Username9: They are my spirit animals

KhloePadalecki: Did you know that you guys are so cute?

ChrisEvans: @KhloePadecki Not as cute as you

Username10: I do stuff like this too

Username11: This is my kind of movie night

Username12: Does he do things like this with his Fiancee?

Username13: Yes my OTP is back together

Username14: Can the fandom join you two?

Username15: People probably think that they are sleeping together because Chris posted this

RealScarJo: You two love Disney so much you two should make a friend trip to actual DisneyWorld

Username16: I love that they watch Disney together

Username17: They are legit friendship goals

Username18: I do this with my best friend too

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