117:|We Will Get Through This

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I was lying on my side and facing the window. It was me all alone with my negative thoughts, staring at nothing. That was until a body appeared in front of me, bending down to my level. My brain took a second or two to process that it was Sebastian "Babe, what's going on?"

"I thought visiting hours were over?" Not that I never wanted to see him. The doctor said visiting hours were ending, so how did he get back in?

"They are, but I am sleeping here to keep an eye on you." He left before to get a bag of clothes as he informed the receptionist that he was staying in my room "We were all worried. I am worried. The doctor told us you wanted to be alone"

I nodded, staying silent

I was smiling and laughing before the doctor checked on me what caused my change? "You're upset" Seb deduced

"The doctor told me something"

"What did he say?"

More tears fell from my eyes and down my face.

"Keeley, talk to me please" Seb began pleading, in a serious tone "I don't want to see you upset. What I want to do is help you feel better and I can't unless you tell me what's going on"

"I don't even know how to tell you this" I know I did have to tell him what happened. He deserved to know

"Tell me what?" Seb stood up from his squatting position to take a seat on the bed. He placed a hand on my cheek, using his thumb to wipe away the tears

I had to let a chuck of air pass through my body with one big breath in and out before the bomb "I was pregnant and my accident caused me to miscarry"

I watched as shock washed over Sebastian's face "You were Pregnant?"

"Yeah" I gave a slight nod

"Did you know?"

I shook my head. If I did I would've told him. I guess that explains why I been feeling sick lately, and for not getting my period I don't pay attention to when I get that annoying shit.

The 'Becoming a parent step' would be too fast for our relationship especially since we haven't hit the one year mark just yet. A pregnancy can happen to anyone who is sexually active at any time. No one is ever truly prepared, yet I felt like shit. We were going to be parents ....Seb would've been a dad and I took that away from him "I am so sorry"

"It's okay" He spoke to me soothingly

"No, it's not okay!" I tried to argue "it's all my fault! The baby is gone because of me. I did this" the tears kept coming out.

"Shhh" Sebastian pulled me in close to him, making me feel safe "Keeley, do not blame yourself. You didn't do anything wrong. You had no control over falling. No one knew this would happen."

"We were going to bring someone into this world and now it's gone"

"I know Babe, but it's going to be okay. We'll get through this"

"You're not mad?"

He pulled away to look at me in the eyes "No, why would I be?"

I shrugged

"I'm not," Seb promised me "We have the future ahead of us where we'll try again when we are ready to have a kid together"

"I feel like a failure. What if this happens again?"

"You're not a failure don't think like that. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be and God had to make adjust. I don't blame you for what happened and you shouldn't ether"

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