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"Ready to do this?" Sebastian asked. We were sat in the back seat on a car right outside of the place that the premiere was being held at.

"Yeah" as ready as I'll ever be

He leaned in for a quick, one last private kiss, before opening the car door. Once it was, the silence in the car was broken by the loud screams coming from the fans that were waiting by behind the barriers. Since Seb stepped out first, it gave me a few seconds to fix myself up. He didnt leave me. Seb extended his hand out for me to take, like a gentleman. I placed my hand in his and climbed out of the car delicately as I could. I was in a dress and heels; it's not that easy as sneakers and pants especially with my coordination.

Stepping out into the fresh air, I was nearly blinded by bright white camera flashes that started the second I stood up straight. Trying to focus my eyes on the surrounding around me, Seb moved his hand to intertwined our hands together, not wanting to let go as we made our way down the carpet that was split between red and blue for the two teams.
The carpet led to the black sheets that were hanging from curtain rods which had Captain America: Civil War printed in big gold letters scattered all over it.

This place was almost like a maze.

The first thing we had to go through were over to the fans. They are important; the reason why we are here and made the film!. Going over to them we were being led by security for safety purposes.

Regrettably Sebastian and I had to let go of one another in order to interact with our fans. I was more than happy to be near them, giving them what they want: selfies, and autographs. The only problem was that it was difficult to hear a lot of them when they tried to talk to me. It was so loud; so many voices going off at once.

Once that was over, security led me and a bunch of others over to the black curtains to take pictures in front of dozens and dozens of cameras. I had on a big smile, doing different poses so that I don't cramp up. This part is one of my favorite things about a premiere depending on who you work with. What I mean by this is when you have goofballs like Chris, Anthony, and Robert, they photobombed my solo pics and posed with me. Scarlett, Elizabeth and I posed like Charlie's Angels in a few pics. Tom wanted to take some pics of us hugging. My favorite pics of the night are the ones I was taking with Sebastian. As pics were being taken, Seb appeared by my side, not wasting a moment to reintertwine our hands. He leaned down to whispering into my ear "I missed you!"

Looking away from the blinding lights, I turned to look into his beautiful eyes "From being away from each other for ten minutes, you missed me?"

"Yes" Seb was being honest "and now" he trailed off....

"Now?" I urged on even though I had an idea on what he meant.

Seb used his free hand to caress my face and lean down to kiss me. This wasn't going to be a 'peck kiss' kind of moment. With his hand on my face, Seb deepened the kiss to be a long one. Being together, no one really mattered just us. We blocked out the shocks and screams that were going on around us.

Pulling away, he practically had heart eyes, whispering for me to hear over everyone "I love you!"

I was so content being right where I was "I love you too"

This whole scene we put on really got a Hell of a lot of attention from everyone; Fans, reporters, camera men.

Seb pulled me in close for another 'quick' kiss this time before placing an arm around me to keep me close to him.

People were shouting so many questions: One being "Does this mean you are dating?"

All Seb and I could do is smile and nod.
The secret was out

It felt nice to be free and not have to hide. I can proudly show off that yes me, Keeley Jay Ackles is dating Sebastian no middle name Stan.

When more pics were taken such as the group photo with some of us on the blue carpet for Team Cap and some of them on the red carpet for Team Ironman, it was time for the interviews.

A very young attractive red head was the one to ask me questions.

She eyed me up and down to get a good look at my entire look "Wow, Keeley you look amazing"

"Thank you" I blushed, not being able to take compliments that well "I tried"

"And who are you wearing?" that question gets asked at every premiere or award show.

I smile down at my outfit "The dress is Calvin Klein and the shoes are Jimmy Choo's" two very good designers.

"Ooo" She nodded conetent to my answer "Calvin Klein makes beautiful dresses"

We definitely could agree on that "He does, he is my favorite"

"Same so how are feeling are you excited?"
I had a good answer for that, being completely honest. My stomach been growling for a while now "I am feeling hungry actually. I can't wait to eat" the interviewer laughed at such a thing. Yes, I am excited about food "But I am very excited for everyone to finally see the film. We all worked so hard on it and hope everyone enjoys it"

"I am sure we all will" she promised, being a Marvel fan herself " So tell me how does it feel to be in a Marvel movie?"

It was my first Marvel film and maybe not my last "It feels like a dream and a once in a life time experience getting to work with amazing people"

"I can't wait to see what you did with Crimson Shadow"

That got me to smile "She was a fun character to play"

"She's Team Captain America right?"

That was no secret "Yes she is" the better team; sorry not sorry.

"Us comic book fans know what happens between Crimson Shadow and Bucky Barnes" I could hear the excitement in her voice "Do you explore that in Civil War?"

"Spoilers" I shrugged, not saying a word about that relationship "I can't tell you that! You have to watch the movie!"

She chuckled at not getting an answer out of me "Oh come on!!"

"Sorry I can't" Im not Tom Holland or Mark Ruffalo, who easily let slip so many spoilers "I'd like to keep my job"

"Which brings me to my next question" I had a feeling what was coming next that followed what she just asked me "Which was actually the most asked question from fans especially after what a lot of us witnessed a few minutes ago. Are you and Sebastian dating?"

"Yes" I proudly answered "we are"

"How long?" she was being curious

"A year" I glanced over at Seb, who was only a few feet away from me talking to an interviewer with Anthony. He caught me looking and smiled my way.

"A whole year?"

I guess that would be shocking.

"We wanted to be sure before we told anyone" nothing is wrong with doing so.

"I could understand that" She told me before commenting "you two make a cute couple I got to say"

"Thank you"

"We do don't we?" Seb appeared from behind me, practically almost giving me a heart attack as I let out a little gasp. I wasn't expecting it. "Keeley is the better half in the relationship"

I had to disagree "I am not" Seb is the wonderful, romantic, amazing, perfect boyfriend.

"You are" He wrapped one arm around me "the better looking one too"

The interview had a huge smile on her face seeing what was in front of her. "Are you enjoying yourself tonight, Sebastian?"

"I am" he smiled "especially having my girl here to enjoy it with"

When the interview part of the night was over, the cast were lead into the theater and guided up to a large balcony that had rows of velvet covered chairs, tables of food, and buckets filled with ice for the champagne. The public filled the theater below us waiting for The Russo Brothers, Chris Evans, and Robert Downey jr to say a few words before the movie starts.

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