113:|Call Chris

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"Chris, I have bad news"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Its about Keeley"

"What's going on with her? She is okay isn't

"No, she is in the Hospital"

"What? Where in Veitnam? What happened?"

"Tom told me she was filming
a scene in the air. A wire snapped causing her
to drop. She is going into surgery."

"Oh my God! I am going to see her I need to
know if she is ok"

"I'm about to get on the plane. I informed her
family, but if you could let Khloe and everyone
else know..."

"Yes of course, please keep me informed if
you find out anything"

"I will"

"I'm booking a flight out right now"

"Let me know when you get there. See you soon"

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