55:| Trailer Prank

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The next day at work, Lizzy and I were sitting around in her trailer listening to the radio and chatting away about anything. We actually weren't needed on set today so we had all day to kill. Things we were talking about led to one topic; prank a cast member. The obvious one you think we would go for is Tom, however he would be too obvious to prank, so we went for somone else.

The lucky winner of the prank is Anthony Mackie.

We were trying to come up with ways to go about it until we decided to print out lots of pics of Sebastian; his Sexy Seabass

People in the printing room thought we were nuts which made it funnier. We couldn't even stop laughing.

During that process, I got text messages

Mom, where are you?

I'm with Lizzy

Are you on set?

Are you on set?

Yes, I'm in my trailer

Yes, I am on set too
I'm printing out pics to do
a prank on Mackie

Haha sounds fun

You're more than 
welcome to join

I'd love that

Great we could use an extra 
hand. Meet us at Mackie's 
Trailer in about 15 min

See you soon

So here the three of us were in Mackie's trailer, recording it on our Lizzy's phone to possibly post on Facebook at another time to entertain the fandom.

Lizzy held up her phone, recording as we spoke into the camera for part 1 "so guys this is top secret shh"

I nodded, next to her "Top secret yeah. We are in Mackie's trailer, so I use his shower on Friday nights cause reasons" I paused as Lizzy chuckled at that "so as a thank you I want to decorate his trailer with a hundred of pics of Seb since we happen to share a love for him"
Tom who was in the background, putting up more pics, spoke up "Who doesn't want Sebastian all over the walls I know you guys do?"

"And" I held up something to show, which was a whole roll of Sebastian pics we haven't put down yet "We even made a floor of Seb, velcroing them all together to paper the floor."

Lizzy spoke from behind the camera "Seb will actually be joining us later in Part 2 to give us a hand, wanting his face all over Mackie's trailer. We will post a before and after so here."  She turned the camera to show that Sebastian's face was literally everywhere, on the coffee pot, all over the frig, covering every inch of the walls, the couch pillows, the coffee table, cabinets"

Tom stood up, wanting to show something. Lizzy followed him to the microwave "look at this just in case he cleans out all this shit. One day he goes to heat up his food" he opened it up to show a pic of him chilling in there

"Thats not all though follow me" Lizzy followed me to the bathroom. I opened the door to reveal Seb's face all over the place in there too. "Fav place to put his face was the toilet so when you lift the toilet seat" I lifted it up to reveal a smiling pic of the handsome man.

"I'm loving this" Lizzy was giggling

"Wait" I turned to open the shower door. Lizzy brought the camera up "When Mackie takes a shower he gets to see a shirtless Seb" We printed and cut out a huge pic of a shirtless Seb and taped it to the wall.

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