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A day a lot of us has been waiting for has arrived.

Khloe and Christopher's Wedding day
Ahhhhh Yay

My best friends are marrying one another

Before the big moment down the aisle, Khloe spent the night at her parents house with the rest of her Bridesmaids. Chris was staying at his parents house with his groomsmen. This whole thing was taken place in Boston, Massachusetts because it is where Khloe and Chris both grew up. They kept quiet about their actual wedding details to have no paparazzi crashing it. Even though a bunch of their celeb friends would be there, no one let out any detail to respect their wishes.

Mornings for the girls in a wedding party is always a busy and crazy morning; getting hair done, makeup, taking pictures, and getting dressed etc.

At the same time it was relaxing. Nothing was going wrong so far and Khloe never became a bridezilla.

In the limo to the church, Genevieve wiped out her phone to record us. "Khloe, what are you doing today?

"Going to the chapel and we're going to get married" the bride began to sing, happily "Sing with me!"

The rest of us joined in on the little fun "Gee I really love you and we're gonna get married going to the chapel of love, spring is here, sky is blue, birds all sing as if they knew today's the day we'll say "I do" and we'll never be lonely anymore"

It didn't take that long to arrive at the church, yet when we did, it became surreal. This was really happening "Ready to get married?" I asked my friend

A smile couldn't leave Khloe's face "To the man of my dreams? You bet!"

Her mother started tearing as she hugged her daughter "Oh my baby! I want to cherish this moment and this day forever!"

Khloe was about to tear herself, hugging her back "Mom don't make me cry!"

"Luckily you have waterproof mascara on" Zelena laughed

It was her father's turn to hug her "You do look amazing sweetheart! I can't believe I actually have to give you away!"

Khloe smiled at her dad "Thanks dad, but don't worry I will still be your little girl!"

Light shined into the limo when the driver opened the door for each one of us to climb out. The groomsmen Jensen, Jared, Robert, Anthony, Sebastian, Scott, and Jason were in the front of the church waiting for us to arrive in order to get the ceremony started. Chris wasn't with them as he was already inside and up on the alter.

All the men practically had their mouths wide open at the sight of how beautiful Khloe looked, glowing in her white gown. Well Jensen, my brother, had eyes on his own wife Danneel and Jared had eyes on Genevieve. Then there was Sebastian, who I noticed had his eyes glued to me. Dam he looked amazing. He always does though. Being together again, Seb didn't wait to come directly over to me.

"Hey handsome" I greeted, leaning in for a quick kiss.

Pulling back, he took another glance at me from head to toe "You look like a pin up girl!"

"I take it that is a good thing?"

"Yes, you look amazing, Babe" Seb complemented

That was always nice to here from him, but the bride looks gorgeous as fuck "Khloe looks pretty good"

"She is beautiful, yes" He agreed, nodding "but nothing compared to you, the most beautiful girl in the world" the man only had eyes for me.

He kills me with his dam words "I'd say you look the best, but I haven't seen Chris yet" I was only joking

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