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KhloePadalecki: Had the best time supporting my handsome man at the Captain America: Civil War Premiere

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KhloePadalecki: Had the best time supporting my handsome man at the Captain America: Civil War Premiere..I don't know who the old man next to him is 😝

Tagged: ChrisEvans RobertDowneyJr

Liked by ChrisEvans, KeeleyAckles, and 100.3M Others | 97.6M Comments

ChrisEvans: Thanks for being my date, Babe

KhloePadalecki: @ChrisEvans Always ❤

Username1: Old man lol

RobertDowneyJr: Chris is standing next to the better super hero that's who

ImSebastianStan: @RobertDowneyJr Keep telling yourself that

RobertDowneyJr: @ImSebastianStan I will because its true

AnthonyMackie: What are the rest of us chopliver? Why are you not supporting us?!

KhloePadalecki: @AnthonyMackie Chris IS Captain America it's his movie. The rest of you goofballs were just in it 😝

KeeleyAckles: Both of them look good!

ImSebastianStan: @KeeleyAckles Hey!

KeeleyAckles: @ImSebastianStan You're not in the picture

Username2: That old man is Robert Fucking Downey Jr

TomHolland2013: Thanks for shoving me out of the picture

Username3: ⤴️Lmao

Username4: ⤴️ I love Tom

Username5: ⤴️ I can picture that

RealScarJo: Handsome

ElizabethOlsen: ❤💙

Username6: Chris is in blue so Robert should've been in red for his character

Username7: They both look fine as hell

Username8: I want Chris's sunglasses

Username9: I am on both their teams

Username10: Ugh Khloe is so dam lucky

Username11: I'm suprised that Sebastian or Mackie is not photo bombing this picture

Username12: Looking cool dudes

Username13: I can't wait to see who wins

Username14: I want to see this movie

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