106: Move In

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Sebastian had a 'finished' garage in his house in LA and by 'finished' I mean it wasnt used for storage. It had a bar, frig, couch, foosball table, and TV; a little hang out area. This time there was something different in there; something added. There was a nice sized jacuzzi in the corner.

"Seb!" I called out

He appeared moments later from the door "You summoned me?"

I turned to him, pointing to the New addition "You have a hot tub?"

He saw the look of suprise in my face "Yes"

"When?" The last time I was here this wasn't

"When you were away filming" He told me, coming down the stairs "Mackie actually talked me into getting it"

Of course he did "Why didnt you tell me?"
"You never asked, would you like to go in?" Seb got close to me, wrapping his arms around me waste

"Hell yes!" Sounds like fun and quite relaxing "but I dont have any of my bathing suits here"

Seb had a suggestion "Who says we need bathing suits?"

I really should have expected him to think that "You want to go in naked?"

A smile was creeping onto his beautiful face "Doesnt that sound more fun than those suits covering us all up?"

No one was here to watch us and I knew what he would want that to lead to. I got a grip of hem of my shirt, lifting it up to real my nakedness underneath, no bra even "Does that answer your question?"

The smile on Seb's face was growing wider "It does" following my lead, unbuttoning the bottons of my Jeans

"You're in a hurry to see me naked?" I laughed
"I always want to see you naked, Babe"

"We have to get you naked"

"Well, lucky I have a beautiful girlfriend who will undress me"

When we were stripped down, Seb plugged the wire into the outlet to heat it the water and the bubbles start bubbling.

I turned on the TV for entertainment "What do you feel like watching?"

Glancing at him, Sebastian was already looking at me with a very adorable look on his face "You"

I bit on his lip at such an answer "I mean on the tv!"

"You can choose" Seb shrugged "I'll watch anything"

I started flipping through all of the movies and tv shows that I thought would be worth watching. That was until I looked under the category Popular on Netflex and saw the old but classic movie 'Good Burger'

I gasped in happiness wanting to watch it since I haven't seen it un such a long time. Because of my outburst Seb sent me a look.

I made eye contact with my man "Tell me you have seen this movie!"

Seb shook his head "Never heard of it!" How could he not have seen this movie??

This was a movie he had to see, so I pleaded "Can we watch it? It is really good!"

He sent me a nod "Yeah!"

I filled up with excitement clicking play ready to enjoy a great movie with a great man
Seb placed an arm around me pulling me in close. I rested my head against the his shoulder when the movie started.

Sebastian seemed to be enjoying the movie chuckling at a few parts. I was so glad to see that.

He even started cracking up laughing when it got to the part where Ed is arguing with a customer if a meat patty is something or nothing.

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