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Call from Sebastian

Accept / Decline


"Hey, Babe"

"Hey Seb. What are you up to?"

"Taking Tucker for a walk so I decided to give you a call. What are you doing?"

"Left the Brewery a while ago I just got to my parents' house"

"Good because I know of a surprise waiting for you in their guest house"

"Oh yeah? And what is this surprise?"

"I can't tell you that. It'll ruin it you should go check it out"

"Okay then I will. What could they be surprising me with?"

"You'll see"

"Am I at least going to like it?"

"I would hope so it was my idea"

I noticed the door to the guest house was unlocked as I let myself in "And you want to be on the phone with me when I see the suprise?"


I looked around for everything to be in its actual spot nothing was different except for a very familiar suitcase by the loveseat.

"Wait if you're in LA how is your suitcase here?"

"Think about it"

I had to put two and two together. I didnt take his suitcase with me "You're here?!"

I didn't even let Seb answer me, I threw my phone and sprinted towards the bedroom in the back. I swung open the door to reveal my handsome man on the bed with a huge grin on his face.

Getting up to greet me, we took five long strides towards each other wasting no second more to pull in for a kiss; getting lost in sensation that coursed through our body contact feeling the pounding of our hearts beat in sync.

Pulling away, we both went in for a tight hug. I breathed in deeply absorbing his scent while Seb buried his head into my neck causing me to shiver.

"Why didn't you tell me you were here?" I questioned. He was a day early. "I could've picked you up!"

"I wanted it to be a surprise" He clarified

I smiled up at him "Best surprise ever!"

"You have no idea how much I missed you!" he whispered in my ear.

I knew the feeling "I missed you too!"

I let Seb push me down onto the bed without a complaint before getting right on top of me. It was heaven. When we closed our eyes, his lips lightly touched mine to embrace in a sweet kiss. Sebastian placed one hand on the back of my neck while his other hand started to run up and down my arm sending chills down my spine. My right hand went for his soft hair gliding through it, while my left one gently relaxed on his shoulder. It didn't take too long for his tongue to slowly grazed my bottom lip, begging for entry. I gladly accepted parting my lips as his tongue ventured into my mouth. The kiss began to intensify while our tongues caressed each other gently. Our bodies completing their strong desire for each other.

"Are we ever going to leave this bed?" I wondered, with my head laying on his bare chest after what we called 'I missed you sex'

Seb looked down at me, being comfortable where he was "I don't think I ever want to"

I would love to just stay here with him when my stomach made a growling noise to break the silence "I am hungry though"

"Me too" Seb nodded, able to go for some food "How does pizza sound?"

"Sounds like pizza" I stretched out, jokingly

He shook his head, chuckling slightly "In the mood for it?"

"I could go for a pepperoni pizza"

"And sausage"

I reached out to get Sebastian's phone that was lying on the side table. My phone was still in the living room somewhere

Listening to the phone ringing, I watched Seb shift himself having something in mind. I laid down comfortably on the bed, back flat with Seb climbing on top of me to leave a trail of kisses on my neck.

A voice finally filled the other line of the phone "Antoni's pizzeria how can I help you?"

Trying to not focus on my boyfriend's lips, I got out "Can I order a pizza for delivery?"

"Okay what would you like?"

I felt Seb reach the spot that could make me tick. He knew my body like the back of his hand knowing just how to satisfy and what gets me going. Trying not to let out a moan the man on the line asked me "mam?" from me not answering him.

"A large pizza half peperoni" I gasped feeling Seb's hands reach up to grab my breasts doing a little flick on my nipples with his thumbs "and half sausage"

Sebastian came up to look at me with an evil grin

"Your killing me!" I groaned, doing this to me while I'm on the phone.

"You love it" Seb ducked down to remove one hand to be replaced with his mouth, flicking my nipple with his tongue

"Mam do you want the pizza?"

"Yes, sorry" I got out quickly biting my tongue hard to stop me from moaning out in pleasure

"I will be a 20 min wait. Can I get an address?"

"Yeah, its uh 28 G-Garter' I was breathing heavily trying to get it out "dr- dr-drive"

"So 28 Garter drive with half pepperoni and half sausage?

"Yup thanks" I had to hang up already knowing the price of the pies from the place.

With me now off the phone, Seb stopped what he was doing to look at me like he did nothing.

"Come on" I groaned, this better not have been a tease "Don't stop now" I needed more

"Oh I don't plan on it, Babe" Seb began to lower himself further down my body.

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