115:|Hospital Visit

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Arriving and parking, the rental car, Sebastian made a dash out of the car and towards a beige colored concrete building. Hanging above the entrance was a cheerful teal colored sign he had to walk under.

He felt like it was mocking him in some way.
At the reception desk, a young attractive nurse in blue scrubs was seated, so he went up to her. Feeling a presence, she looked up and smiled "Can I help y-" she paused, recognizing who he is "you're Sebastian Stan"

"Yes I am, hi" Seb blurted out shakily. He loved meeting fans but he had Keeley on his mind "Can you tell me if Keeley Ackles is here?" it was too much for him to just stand there, his legs were practically shaking beneath him.

"Um," she flipped through her files in the A section, finding her name and looking back up at him "Keeley is due to be in room 416, but still in surgery at the moment. You'll have to wait on that floor in the waiting room. You will find Tom Hiddleston there"

Seb was polite, smiling telling her "Thank you" before running off in a hurry into the elevator. He pressed the 4th floor, waiting for the doors to open and step out into the long white hallway passing by "Seb?"

He took four steps backwards to turn and see that Tom was the one to call out to him, He was sitting there waiting "She is still in Surgery."

"I heard," He nodded, wanting more information than that "They haven't said anything?"

"No," Tom sadly had to announce, concerned for his friend that is hurt "The doctor only told me that I need to wait. They'll inform us after the surgery"

Seb didn't like not knowing, running his hands through his hair "I want to see her"

"Me too" Tom had to apologize to his friend "I'm sorry that this happened. I know I told you I'd look after her while we were here"

"It's ok, man" Seb reassured his friend. This isn't his fault "You didn't know the harness would break I just want her to be okay; I need her to be okay"

An hour and a half passed by as Sebastian paced the room. He couldn't sit there anymore, getting uncomfortable and anxious with no answers - so much crap was running through his head when thoughts got interrupted by a familiar voice "Seb"

He turned to see Khloe, who ran her way over to him in order to hug him tight. Chris followed not far behind.

He welcomed her into his arms.

Khloe whispered softly "Please tell me Keels is going to be okay" she sounded as if she was doing all she can to hold back tears.

"She'll pull through this, she is strong" Seb reassured her wanting to be strong for the girl even though his words were for himself as well. She has to be okay he can't lose her,
Letting her out of his grip, she went in for a Hiddleston hug while Chris went in for a EvansDowney hug, asking "Any update?"

There still was no news "No, no one has told us anything she has been in surgery"

"I wish someone could tell us how she is doing in surgery is it successful or not" Khloe whined anxious about her friend. They have no idea what is going on with her besides knowing she fell.

"Well find out soon, Babe" Chris went over to his fiance, holding her close "we just have to wait"

It felt like forever by the time a doctor dressed in a white coat, holding a clipboard walked into the room "I'm Dr. Kelso, are you here for Keeley Ackles?"

"Yes" Seb was the first to speak up, answering for everyone "How is she doing?"

Before the man could even answer the simple question, Khloe started babbling on "Is she ok? Does she look ok? She is awake? Is she talking? Is she in pain? Can we see her?"

It was as if she drank ten cans of red bull.
Chris placed an arm around her in order to calm her down in a way. It was too many questions to answer all at once.

"She is going to be okay" the doctor told the group

Sebastian felt himself calm down a bit, taking in a deep breath.

"She is resting now"

"Can you explain to us what happened?" Chris wondered

"When Keeley fell she hit her head fracturing a piece of her skull that caused part of her brain to swell. In her lower abdomen there was some internal bleeding that we had some trouble with, but we got it under control. She gave us quite a scare we almost lost her, however she came right back. That being said she's okay now"

Sebastian couldn't even believe what he just heard; his poor Keeley.

"Thank you" Tom thanked him for the update they been waiting hours to hear "Can we see her?"

"Yes, but I do advise you not to wake her up. Keeley needs her rest for now. Let her wake up on her own time. I will be in a little later to check on her. Now if you excuse me I have to check on another patient"

They all made their way to room 416; Keeley's room for find that ll the color was drained from her beautiful face as she laid there in a hospital gown. She had a bandage wrapped around her head along with tubes and needles hooked up to her.

Her friends and boyfriend took a seat around her.

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