173:|Making Up

832 19 1

After finishing a scene I had to shoot by myself, I had some time free time to do whatever. I decided to head back to my trailer and relax since it has been a long day already.
Halfway inside, I heard my name being called. I looked back to see it was Sebastian jogging his way over to me. The sight of him made me slightly sad. We have not spoken to or seen each other for last two days. We got into a stupid argument just because a girl was flirting with him. I let my insecurities get the best of me and I got jealous causing us to say things we both regret which ended in me with a tear stained face and him storming away.

Sebastian was slightly out of breath, getting a grip on the small railing to ask me "Can I come in?"

Silently I nodded, holding the door open so that he could follow me inside.

I made my way into the tiny kitchen, leaning up against the counter.

I watched my boyfriend step forward, leaving a few inches of air between us. He grabbed my hand to squeeze it in comfort. It felt nice to touch him again, even if it was a little as hand holding. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head slowly "No" I was mostly sad because I hated arguing and being away from him.

I felt Seb rubbing his thumb against the skin on my hand "I am so sorry, Keels. I didn't mean anything I said to you"

I felt his apology. It was so sincere, however at the same time I felt like he didn't need to. It was me who needed to apologize. "I deserved what you said"

Seb shot me a look like I was talking nonsense. He let go of my hand to get a grip on both my shoulders as if to get me to understand "No Keeley, you didn't. It was the heat of the moment and I said things that weren't true and that's why I need to apologize."

"I am the one who should be sorry" I stood up straight to stand closer to him. In the back of my mind, I always think Sebastian will find someone way better than me. "I trust you yet I still let my jealously get the best of me. My fear is that you'll realize I'm not worth it nor right for you and you'll find someone way better."

"Its okay, Babe." Seb promised, wanting me to realize "There is nothing to fear. You're the one that's way out of my league, but I always try to prove that I could be good enough for you. You know that I would never leave you for anyone. I told you, you're the one. No girl matters to me except you"

I always needed those words to sink into my brain everytime he said it

"Even though you being jealous was kind of hot"

I raised my eyebrow at him "Was it?"

"Oh, it was very much so and I understand and I forgive you"

"I'll forgive you if" I trailed off

"If what?" he urged on, wanting to be forgiven

"If you kiss me!"

Sebastian's hands reached up and cupped my face. For a few moments, we looked into each other's eyes before he leaned in. I stood slightly on my toes and lifted my head to meet his lips kissing him tenderly, rubbing my hands along his lower back.

Feeling the passion that was circling us, the kiss quickened and deepened in speed. This made Sebastian kiss back a little rougher, having chills to flow down my entire body. I felt his tongue glide along my own lips pressing for request of entry to my mouth.

I gave him access instantly in which our tongues battled for control against one another causing us to let out moans.

Pulling back to get some air, the space between us barely lasted under a second as Sebastian attacked my lips once more not wanting to part from me, nipping at my bottom lips ever so gently. From this, I was lacking control giving in to him. Our hands started to move, roaming all over both of our bodies, not staying in one place.

"You're wearing too much." Sebastian mumbled into the kiss

"So are you" My hands found the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head.

Once his shirt was gone, he lifted my shirt up and over my head to quickly get a reach around to my back, unhooking my lacy white bra. I shrugged it off and tossed it to God knows where as Seb cupped my breast and began to roll the nipples between his fingers. I moaned at his touch which made my boyfriend grab me a little rougher.

Giving me pleasure, I could now feel the bulge in his pants rubbing against me which threw more wood into this burning fire. I moved my hands away from his back to unbuckle his belt. When I got it loose, Seb practically ripped off his pants along with boxers. His large member was out and about prodding against my thigh.

Being fully naked and I wasn't, Sebastian easily pulled down my pants due to the fact that I was wearing sweat pants. It was all my character wears the entire movie.

Kicking them off my ankles, Seb attacked my lips and picked me up, sliding his hands underneath my ass. I then wrapped my legs across his small toned waist. He backed us up until hitting the edge of couch, going down. Once we got into position with me straddling him, Sebastian left my lips to press heated kisses along my neck and shoulders finding the pulse point to leave possessive marks causing me to groan out in pleasure. "Seb!"

Hearing his name, he came back "I need you now."

"I need you too"

Lifting myself up a tiny bit from Sebastian's muscular thighs, he lined himself up so I could sink down onto him, taking him in fully.

"I love you so much" He groaned

"I love you more." I panted, pushing up from him, as I started rolling my hips.

His eyes locked with mine as I rode his cock, sending pleasure throughout our entire beings.
Sebastian ran both his hands down my body, grabbing my hips for support, thrusting back up into me. I held onto his shoulders just as tightly, never wanting to let him go. He pumped harder up into me having me feel him go even deeper. He started hitting a spot inside that made me crazy, practically coming undone as I cried out for him.

Seb could feel me tensing which meant I was close to being on the verge of an orgasm.

Seb and I were both close to the edge of cuming, so to finish it off and have me explode in ecstasy, he brought a hand down to rub at my clit. With more pleasure sending electric shocks through me, my head flew back crying out "Sebastian." My walls tightened against his shaft having the orgasm ripped through my body. Sebastian furiously thrusted into me cuming himself as I felt a pulse inside of me knowing he finished.

We stayed in this position just a few seconds longer to catch our breathes back and calm down from the fun

When I did lift myself off of him, I didn't get to go far. Seb pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me to cuddle. "We should have make up sex more often, Babe"


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