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I had a rough night last night and what I mean by that is I was up all night drenched in a cold sweat, curled up in a fetal position with a pounding headache while trying to breathe through my nose but it was completely plugged up.

Summed up: my night pretty much sucked.

I am sick.

With me twisting and turning all night long I tried not to wake Sebastian up so he didn't have to worry about me and lose sleep.

After many hours in bed, I moved to the couch curled up in a blanket with my concerned boyfriend hovering over me "Open your mouth Babe" He was holding a thermometer in his hand.

"We are really playing doctor?" I wondered. It was more fun to roleplay when we were healthy.

He insisted on a home check up "Yes!"

"Well, you do make a good looking doctor" He makes a good anything but he needed a white coat.

"And I have the most beautiful patient in which I would like to take her temperature"

I went to open my mouth yet my body had other plans. I stared to cough up a lung, covering my mouth so that my germs wouldnt get on him.

He frowned at me, hating seeing me in this state "That doesn't sound good"

"Yeah it doesn't feel good ether" my insides were burning with fire from it. "Ok I am good now"

I opened my mouth for my handsome Doctor to place the stick under my tongue. Seb looked at his watch to keep track of the time on when to take it out of my mouth "101.5" He frowned from the number. I had a fever.

101.5 wasnt that high but it meant I was definitely sick "Am I going to be able to live, doctor?"

"You'll be fine Mrs. Ackles." Seb promised, knowing to keep an eye on me "I think you just have a minor cold with a small case of beautifitius"

That got me to smile "You're corny!"

"I know" a small grin grew on his face seeing that he got me to smile through the pain I was feeling.

"So what is going to help me?"

"I think you'll need some soup, tea, rest and Dayquil"

He left something out "What about my beautitius?"

Seb shrugged, not having a prescription for such a thing "That might be incurable but it's something you could live with"

"How can I thank you doctor?" He was a pretty good Doctor for helping me out.

"No need to thank me. I am just doing my job so how about I put on your favorite movie and we cuddle" Seb walked back to turn on the dvd player.

"I'd love to cuddle but you're going to get sick being around me" I enjoy cuddles yet he was going go get sick because of me.

He didnt look back, answering me "As long as I help you back to health I don't care"

"Fine but-" I felt nausea coming on. I bolted off the couch as dizziness took over from the fast motion, running to the bathroom to puke my lungs out.

Throwing up helped me feel slightly better but I started to feel very weak. I closed my eyes and sighed leaning up against the bathtub not wanting to get up.

"Are you alright?" I heard Seb question me with concern.

I finally opened my eyes and looked at him "No, I can't get up"

"That is what I'm here for" He strutted his way over to me to lift me into his arms

"My doctor to the rescue" I complemented, seeing that he was leading me back into the living room where the movie was waiting to start.

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now