134:|Getting Ready

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In my shared hotel room with Scarlett, I found myself in a chair hovered by our hair and makeup crew getting us ready for the premiere tonight. It was a night us Marvel Actors, who were in the movie, were waiting for, excited for people to see what we all created and hoped for a successful film.

For me, I was slightly nervous for people to see my character Crimson Shadow. This movie was her introduction and I hope it would go over well with the audience.

Also, I was never one for dressing up. I am all for sweatpants and hoodies, but dressing up comes with the job. I had to get all dolled up tonight with the crew helping me look good.

"We do this a lot yet I never get used to this" Scar was in the seat next to me getting ready.

"Yeah, definitely" I had to agree with that "Did you get nervous when it was your first Black Widow appearance?"

"A little bit yeah" She shrugge, explaining "I was hoping I could do justice for a badass she is"

I nodded "I hope I did okay job as Crimson Shadow" I feel like I did, but I don't know what others would be thinking about the job I did.

Scar had something go say about that "You did amazing at bringing her to life not just okay!"

"You're only saying that because you're my wife" she always had just nice things to say about me.

"I'm not though" Scar urged on "and Seb and Chris will agree with me"

"I am also excited about what Seb and I are doing" We had a plan for tonight

"What do you mean?" She had confusion in her voice

"I didn't tell you what Seb and I are doing tonight?" I know I told Khloe, Chris, Pratt and Tom I guess I forgot to mention it to her and some others.

"After the after party no I dont want to know" Scar joked, thinking of something I wasn't even thinking of.

"No!" I giggled, wanting her to ternuer mind of our of the gutter "Seb wants to hold hands and kiss at the red carpet basically announce to the world we are dating"

"Really?" She sat up straight, trying not to screw up the people doing her hair at the moment

"Yeah, I know finally"

"Excuse me for a moment" She popped up off her seat and came over to me in a suprise hug. My crew had to back up off me. I of course accepted the hug. I loved hugs. "Congrats!"

"I'm not getting married" It wasn't that big a deal

"Eventually you will" She pulled away, smiling at me to go over to her own seat "I heard wedding bells since the moment you met"

Apparently everyone that night did so "That's far down the road"

"So you do want to marry each other?"

"Yeah, Seb is definitely the one but its not the time" I never honestly thought about it with another guy until him. He changed my views on a lot of things.

"Well, this is another step"

"It is, yes"

"You might break the internet with and your fans going nuts!"

That was true "Alot of them do want us together, but I'm also prepared for the hate" haters gunna hate always.

"Of course hate is going to happen" She rolled her eyes at th le unnecessary of it, ridiculous but you two are meant to be so ignore it"

I shrugged "I try" sometimes it's hard to do so I let things get to me.

Another thing that crossed my mind was what questions the interviewers will ask I figure...
"Who are you wearing?"

Questions about Crimson Shadow and what can people expect from her

If I am excited about this movie

What can the fans expect from it?

Am I dating Sebastian?

How long have we been dating?

Why was it kept secret?

Etc etc

When the crew finished with me, I stood in front of the tall mirror examining myself in my dress. I tried on at least 10 different style dresses until I finally picked the one I want I thought was perfect. I ended up in a flattering black gown, Seb's favorite color, that showed off every curve. My crew decribed me as elegantly beautiful. I wanted to believe them not because I plan on impressing anyone; the one and only person I want to look good for is Sebastian. Scar even said I would blow him away with how amazing I looked. She looked absolutely beautiful herself, in her pink gown.
Being a big crew of actors for the film, we were all going in separate cars to the premiere. I was going with Sebastian.

He said he would meet me at my room then we would go down together as I waited for the knock.

Hearing it, I opened the door to reveal the most handsome man I get to call mine

"Hey handsome, so what do you think?" I did a slow motion twirl for him to get the entire view of me.

Seb wasnt saying a word, yet his mouth hung open.

"What's that look for?"

From eyeing me head to toe, he caught my eyes again "I'm just speechless you look stunning, Babe!"

He came over to me wrapping his arms around my waist "I'll never get over how beautiful you are"

"Oh stop!" I was blushing under the blush the make up crew put on me.

I noticed him biting his lips with a certain look on his face "What?"

"Oh, nothing" He kept at it

"Something" I paused "Are you thinking what I would look like with nothing but these heels on?" He said that multiple times that he does that.

"Maybe I am" A grin was growing on his lips "maybe tonight I don't have to imagine"

"That is if my feet aren't killing me by the time we get back"

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