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ImSebastianStan: People need to calm the fuck down on Keeley's instagram post of Tom

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ImSebastianStan: People need to calm the fuck down on Keeley's instagram post of Tom. Tom and Keeeley are friends, who are allowed to go on an innocent boat ride. She's not 'whoring around' like a lot of you seem to think. I will never understand the incessant need to attack such an genuine woman for enjoying her life. Why call her derogatory names? Because she has guy friends? She doesn't deserve the hate. Keeley is a wonderful woman who only deserves love oh and btw as you can tell I am with them. What's next? She is in a love triangle with us? 

Liked by KeeleyAckles, ChrisEvans, and 131M Others | 120.5M Comments

Username1: Yes preach

AnthonyMackie: That's my boy

Username2: Totally dating

KeeleyAckles: ❤❤❤❤

Username3: My God I love you

Useename4: Stick up for her yaaas

TomHolland2013: Smh at people

Username5: Why are people so into her love life that they think every guy she is with she is dating them?

ChrisEvans: Preach it!! Leave my Keels alone

KhloePadalecki: Exactly ugh people really?

VancityReynolds: Very well said

ElizabethOlsen: Dam right if you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all

RealScarJo: Yess agreed people are getting ridiculous

RobertDowneyJr: Preach no one hates on my daughter

Renner4Real: Who is disrespecting our Keels?

PrattPrattPratt: Preach preach preach

Username6: Totally agree with you

ChrisHemsworth: What is even going on? I'm not in one Marvel movie and I fall so behind

MarkRuffalo: @ChrisHemsworth that is how I feel

Username7: My Sebley heart grew 3 sizes bigger

Usermame8: My freaking OTP

Username9: You are one Hell of a man

JensenAckles: Preach man my sister doesnt deserve this

Username10: Yes to this

Username11: People are dumb

Username12: It's true though it's her personal life leave her alone

Username13: They both look amazing

Username14: If I was her I'd want to be with Tom

Username15: Preach it louder for the haters to hear

Username16: Damn right, I love Keeley

Username17: My Queen deserves nothing but love

Username18: Stand up for your girl

Username19: I think I started to ship Sebley

Username20: I swear I feel like Keeley could be nice to a stranger on the street and everyone would think they are dating

Username21: This is beautiful

Username22: Keeley deserves the world

Username23: Honestly I'd love to be in a love triangle with both of them

Username24: You are amazing

Username25: I agree, Sebastian!!

TWHiddleston: Thank you, Seb. Keeley and I are good friends, who are going to be filming together shortly

Username26: ⤴️ In a film together what?

Username27: ⤴️ Omg what is it?

Username28: ⤴️ Yesss I dont even know what it is and I want to see it

Username29: ⤴️ Any movie Tom is in I'll see it

Username30: Love triangle lol I wouldn't mind

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