22:| Breakfast

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I dried off and quickly got dressed so I could step out of my trailer.

When I started passing by Scarlett's trailer I spotted Sebastian's backside walking a bit ahead of me. Smiling to myself, I started jogging as quietly as I could before bracing myself to leap into the air and onto his back. My arms flew around his neck and my legs wrapping around his waist. Sebastian was getting used to me by now to the point that he didn't stumble or fall. He expects things like this from me, getting a hold of my legs to keep me up.

"Giddy up, Winter Soldier" I joked, playfully

"Hello to you too, Keels" as he continued to walk "Should I give you a ride for that comment?"

"Si Senior" I laughed noticing he was alone Christopher wasn't around anywhere "I thought Chris was with you"

"He was but then he ran into Khloe
and went off with her"

"He didnt want to have fun with us?" dam, he see's his girl and goes off with her in seconds.

"Nah, I think they wanted to have a little fun of their own alone"

"We are more fun though"

"That we are, yes" he agreed

Getting to the breakfast tent, Sebastian walked us both through the white curtain before I hopped off him. We went straight for the food heaven of bacon, sausage, toast, eggs, French toast, waffles, fruit, bagels, cinnamon rolls.

Sebastian handed me a plate and I stated something that was on my mind "You know riding you might be my new favorite way to get around the set"

"Oh really?" he sent me a smile

I could feel my cheeks beginning to heat up which happens a lot around him. I knew his mind went to the same place mine went to.

"That is not what I meant to say" between him, Pratt, Anthony, and Chris the four of them kill me.

"Sure, Keeley" he didn't drop the smile

I picked up a hot piece of bacon hitting his arm with it. "You know what I meant!"

"No, I am not sure I do" he was playing around with me

"Morning" a voice boomed behind me, interrupting us as the piece of bacon was taken out of my hand.

We turned to see Anthony shoving the bacon into his mouth.

"Hey," I pouted "get your own bacon"

"Then don't waste it by using it as a weapon" Anthony stated, chewing the unhealthy deliciousness.

I rolled my eyes going back to the breakfast to put food onto my plate. I was pretty hungry going for some bacon, sausage, eggs, and an early dessert to finish it off; cinnamon bun.
Noticing two sets of eyes on me, I stopped what I was doing to look between them

"What?" I said innocently "I'm hungry"

Anthony was shaking his head at me "You are one girl who is completely obsessed with food"

"More like dedicated to it" Sebastian commented

"Yes" I agreed with that comment "food will always be there for me when I need it to be" Humans may come and go but food, it's always there to comfort you.

"I just never understand where it all goes" Anthony glanced down at my body

"In my belly" where else would it go? He's telling me about my obsession yet his plate is completely filled with bacon. "Says the person whose cholesterol will sky rocket with all that bacon"

On the other hand, Sebastian had a nice portion of food on his own plate compared to us.

"If bacon is what kills me then I win" Anthony specified, shoving at least three pieces into his mouth.

"If you say so"

Getting our coffee and breakfast, we sat down at a table in the corner to devour our food.

"Anthony, how did it go?" I wondered, taking a sip of my hazelnut coffee

"What go?" He glanced at my confused

Sebastian helped me out "Asking out Sally"

I watched a smile growing on his face, yet he tried to cover it up by shoving food into his mouth. It was like he was getting shy. Anthony rarely ever does.

"Oh come on so did she say yes or what?" we were dying to know.

"Okay yeah" he looked completely joyful "she said yes we are going out on Saturday"

A happy gasp escaped my lips "Yay" I was so happy to hear that

"And now it's your turn" Anthony turned to look at his friend beside him

Sebastian almost choked on his coffee. It was a bad time to take a drink as he whipped his mouth from the hot liquid with a napkin "What?"

Anthony sighed at him "You know what I am talking about"

He shot back "No, I don't actually"
Anthony didn't believe him sending him a knowing look

I was out of the loop and confused. It was Sebastian's turn to do what exactly? "What?"

The two men got off that topic pretty fast, changing it to what was planned for the day keeping me out of the loop

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