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TWHiddleston: Making a movie about a great ape with the beautiful Keeley #KongSkullIsland

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TWHiddleston: Making a movie about a great ape with the beautiful Keeley #KongSkullIsland

Tagged: KeeleyAckles

Liked by KeeleyAckles, AnthonyMackie, and 134.2M Others | 110.5M Comments

KeeleyAckles: I love working with you #BestActorEver

AnthonyMackie: @KeeleyAckles I take offense to that hashtag, woman!

KeeleyAckles: @AnthonyMackie I only speak the truth. 😜 and he doesn't try to screw me up

AnthonyMackie: @KeeleyAckles You break Character too easy, its entertaining

ImSebastianStan: Got that right she is beautiful

Username1: ⤴️ Date already!!!!!

Username2: ⤴️ Seb likes Keeley I mean come on!

KeeleyAckles: @ImSebastianStan 😘

Username3: Yessss agreed #BestActorEver

Username4: I'm like shipping Keeley with everyone

Username5: #BestActorEver

Username6: Lokiiiiiiiii

Username7: You are a beautiful man

Username8: You are genuinely my favorite person

TomHolland2013: I'll hop on board to that #BestActorEver

Username9: Is Keeley dating Tom now?

Username10: @Username9 I dont think Keeley is dating anyone besides read the caption they are filming a movie together it doesnt mean they are dating.

RealScarJo: 🖤🖤🖤

ChrisHemsworth: All the king Kong movies are great, cant wait to see this film, brother

Username11: ⤴️ I love that Chris calls Tom his brother they are real life Thor and Loki.

Username12: Both of you are adorable it's not fair

Username13: More like #HottestActorEver

ChrisEvans: Missing my bestfriend, but have fun filming I can't wait to see it

KeeleyAckles: @ChrisEvans I miss you too 😘

Username14: Interesting I'll check the movie out

Username15: I can hear his "hehehehe"

RobertDowneyJr: A lot of great actors in this film, good luck with it

Username16: #BestActorEver

Username17: What would their ship name be...Teeley?

KhloePadalecki: Aww good luck with the film it's going to be awesome!

Username18: #BestActorEver

Username19: I'll definitely see this movie with it comes out

Username20: Loki what are you doing with Crimson Shadow?

Username21: #BestActorEver

Username22: I freaking love you, Tom

Username23: You could walk all over me and slap me and I'd still say thank you

Username24: I want to really be Keeley

Username25: This is why I'm Bi just look at both of them omg!!

Username26: Do your characters end up together in the movie?

Username27: Two of my favorite actors filming together what even!

Username28: If I was Keeley I'd be hugging him right now never wanting to let go

Username29: Keeley gets to work with all these hot men

Username30: I could stare at a picture of Tom all day

Username31: #BestActorEver

Username32: Tom is such a sweet man I can't ever handle that

Username33: Any movie with Tom in it is worth seeing

Username34: Tom, please tell me this is a movie you dont die in!

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