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I have been having a blast here in Vietnam filming with such great actors such as Tom Hiddleston and Samuel L Jackson.

We all been in Marvel movies, yet our characters haven't crossed paths. I am honored to get to work with them in this movie about King Kong.

Today I would be working with the CGI version of the Ape the top of a hill in the green room. One part of me was excited that I get to do my own stunts while the other part of me was feeling quite sick lately. I couldnt explain the feeling but I was trying to get through it.

Anyway, sitting in my black chair I was texting Sebastian while I was waiting to be called to do my scene.

You're killing me I 
can't right now

You know you want to

As much as I want
to I can't

Why not?

I'm about to film a
scene in a few minutes

All we need is 
a few minutes

Ugh I really shouldn't


I'll tell you what


When I am done, later
we can facetime and have
a little fun that way

Yesss looking forward
to that

And itll be worth it

Can I have a little
something for the
time being

Like what?

A picture

What kind of picture?

A naked picture

Lucky for you I had one
saved from this morning
waiting to be sent to you.

Send it!


I fucking love you

I know I love you too

That is when Tom appeared in my view holding two cups of tea.

"Is one for me?"

"Yes, chamomile tea" Handing it off to me "I know you haven't been feeling well" That honestly warmed my heart wondering how this gorgeous British man is still single. He is one of the most sweetest men I have ever met. Tom was always a gentleman around me and any other woman, not that I would date him, but he needs love.

"Thank you, that's very sweet of you"
I took it to take a sip of the delicious hit liquid feeling it flow down my throat. I always liked to drink tea anytime I didnt feel good.

"You're very welcome" Tom smiled, taking a sip of his own tea

"Are you filming today?" I wondered since he was around.

"I finished a while ago I just wanted to get you a tea" And Taylor Swift broke up with him why? "How are you feeling?"

"Still blah" Was the best way to explain it "but I'll be okay. I just want to get through the scene so I can relax, talk to Seb," leaving out a detail that Tom didnt need to know about "and nap before we go out tonight"

"Are you sure you're okay to go out?"

I'd like to have a good time "Yeah, no worries"
Then it came time for my scene. The crew tightly strapped me into my harness that was attached to strings. King Kong is supposed to pick me up into the air with his palm. A big black 'foam like hand' was made to lift me in the air and get up to close to his face.
I was ordered to slowly walk up to the edge towards King Kong in slight shock to have a moment with him.

When the director called out "Action" I turned into my character and did what the script wanted me to, internally preparing to be lifted into the air; something I'm used to. I had to do it in past movies.

Being in shock at the fake head of King Kong, I felt myself being lifted into the air, trying to stay in character. That is when I heard a loud *snap*. Before I could even react to anything I felt my heart leap out of my chest and into my throat as the wind knocked out of me. Pain shot into my stomach as I hit the edge of the fake rock when the other string snapped sending me to the floor.

The last thing I heard was everyone panicking just as my vision got blurry and I blacked out into darkness.

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