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The sun was shining, the weather was beautiful, yet it was such a dark and gloomy morning for me. After spending ten months with Sebastian, I didn't want to head to Texas. I loved Texas and my family is there who I haven't seen in almost a year, but how can I leave when the guy I wanted to spend every day with is going to California? Yes, we are together and we'll find time to see each other.

We both live in LA so that could work however for now we had to go separate ways. I lived twenty nine years without meeting Sebastian, but I have become so used to seeing him every day. I looked forward to it and now I won't be able to be in his arms for a while. The other part of me was annoyed at myself because in so little time, I got attached to him.

Chris, Khloe, Sebastian, and I were at the Airport waiting for our separate flights. Chris, Khloe were going back home to LA while Seb was going to NY to film another movie. I was going to Texas so I was taking a regular plane.

Waiting to be called, the lovebirds and Seb were in a conversation while I wasn't paying any attention what was going or what they were even talking about.

Seb eventually noticed this, placing an arm around me to lean into him. He quietly stated "You're being so quiet, Babe"

"Sorry." I frowned, hating that I'm putting a downer on our last hour together, not that I could help it "It's our last hour together and I'm not even talking to you. I'm just not ready to leave you." leaving a boyfriend never felt this hard before yet again none compared to him.

He held me tighter in comfort "I know I'm not either. You are sitting here in my arms and I already miss you"

"I wish you could just come with me since I can't come with you!" He had to go film a movie and my family wants to see me.

"I wish I could!" Seb sighed feeling the same way, but he told me "I don't want to leave you, but we will see each other soon. A few months of not seeing you is nothing compared to a lifetime I hope to spend with you"

"Really?" I pipped up a little from that comment, looking up at him

"Really" He promised with a small smile
"I really want to kiss you right now" we had to refrain from doing anything that would make it look like we were dating. People been flashing pics of the four of us since we arrived here.

Chris and Khloe been kissing it up the whole time but they already announced they were engaged. They are not even leaving each other just going back to their house in LA.

Seb groaned wanting the same "Me too, so next time we see each other prepare for an entire day of just making out for lost time"

"I'm ok with that" Who wouldn't be down for that with him?

The hour passed way too quickly, quicker that I would have liked when the announcer spoke into the speaker that anyone going to Texas had to board the plane. I frowned as I had to stand up ready to head to the gate.

Chris shot his arms out in my direction "I need a hug from you!"

I couldn't turn down a hug from my best friend "I am going to miss you!"

"Me too!" He replied with sadness, crushing me in his strong arms "What the hell am I supposed to do without my best friend?"

"Plan a wedding?" I guessed

"Still need you around!" He whined "How long are you staying in Texas?"

"A month then I'll be back" I had to see my family, My sister in law has news, Jensen will be back, ACL is happening, and working on our secret project.

Chris pointed out "That's a long time!"

"I'll call you every other day" I replied making him feel better

"You better!"

"Dam, I feel so unloved here" Khloe announced seeing the two best friends still hugging "My turn to hug Keels"

Chris slowly pulled away from me as if to savor our hug longer before letting me into the arms of his fiancee "Love you so much, Blonde"

"Love you too, Brunette" I gushed, hugging her tight "Dont start dress shopping without me" I'd hit the bitch! She been warned

"Of course I won't." Khloe chuckled, she needed my opinion "We'll start when you get back"

When we were apart, I had to give my boyfriend one last hug.

My skin was crawling with so many different emotions. Sebastian moved in for another hug as I took in the intimate details of how it felt having Seb's arms wrapped around me securely or how his heart was beating steadily. I buried my face into his shoulder, inhaling his scent one last time, cherishing this last moment of tenderness for a while.

"So this is it!" I stated the obvious

"For now, I will see you soon, Babe "

I felt his arms loosen for us to pull away from one another just slightly for our foreheads to touch, our eyes focused on one another.

My heart fluttered "Can I keep your hoodie?" since I was wearing it.

"Of course" His mouth turned into a frown, having to say this "You better get going"

I regrettably let myself out of his arms as I had to leave.

I felt Sebastian's absence by my side all the way back to Texas.

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now