46:| Popcorn and Instagram

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"I'll get the popcorn" Sebastian announced dashing to the kitchen while I got settled on the soft couch under a cotton blanket, channel surfing through a lot of shows I never heard of until I got to "Once Upon A Time" an old episode with Sebastian. I could recite the lines since I have seen it at least ten times.

With the smell of popcorn filling the air, I heard a clunk, a deep ow, a bang, and then a fit of laughter.

Wanting to see what possibly happened and being the curious, but caring 'almost girlfriend' I got up to find my loving 'almost' boyfriend on the floor covered in popcorn laughing.

At the sight I couldn't help but crack up "What happened?"

Sebastian moved his head to glance at me to explain the situation "I tripped over one of the legs of the chairs and I ended up down here"

I shook my head wishing I was in the kitchen to have seen it happen "Need help cleaning up?"

"I'll take care of it, Babe." He replied "Want me to make more since it's ruined?"

I sure was in the mood for some popcorn "If you don't mind"

And he didn't "I don't"

"Then please do so and don't trip this time"

Seb snickered "I'll try not to" getting up to clean up the mess.

Finally finishing, he bounced back into the room with a new bowl of popcorn placing it onto the coffee table to get under the covers with me. "What are we watching?"

I made a quick glance at the television screen "Something you won't want to watch" knowing that he didn't like to watch himself in movies or shows.

"And what's that?" He looked at the tv and cringed seeing himself "Can we watch something else?" hoping I would agree.

"If you want to change it come and get the remote" I held it behind me with a tight grip

"Want to be that way huh?" Seb spoke playfully with the most adorable look on his face

I giggled "Yes"

"Give me the remote, beautiful" he lunged forward bringing me down as the remote dug into my back, but not enough for me to cry out in pain.

We gazed into each other's eyes "What will happen if I don't let you get it?"

He thought for a moment deciding on what to say "I won't let you kiss me for a whole month"

I knew that wouldn't work out for the both of us "Oh please, you can't resist my lips"

"Can too!" Sebastian argued, but not in a not so sure way

"Oh really?" I lifted my head up to test it out with our lips one inch apart from one another. Seb scrunched his lips together trying to have will power but failed. Groaning, he slammed his lips to mine bringing me back down as I smiled knowing I won; into the hot, chaste kiss.

Kissing me with every inch of his life, he couldn't seem to decide on the position of his hands alternating between cradling my face and resting his fingers along my neck.

Having me be the one to pull away I commented "I knew you couldn't resist"

"You are just irresistible, Babe" Seb admitted

Changing the subject to watch something that he isn't in, I told him
"There is actually nothing on so how about we pop in a movie?"

He agreed "Alright anything as long as I am not in it"

With him still onto of me I couldn't move "Can I get up to look at your dvds?"

"Fine" he removed himself off of me, but not before one more kiss short kiss.

KeeleyAckles: Watching OUAT with the handsome Jefferson

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KeeleyAckles: Watching OUAT with the handsome Jefferson

Liked by KhloePadalecki, AnthonyMackie, and 100.9M Others| 98.2M Comments

ImSebastianStan: Change the channel

KhloePadalecki: I need to watch this show again

Username1: I love this show

Username2: Is Jefferson your favorite character?

KeeleyAckles: @Username2 Yes and No I can't decide between him and Captain Hook

Username2: @KeeleyAckles Ahhh thank you for answering me but same!

ChrisEvans: Dam 😍

Username3: I loved him in this! He needs to come back

AnthonyMackie: Look at my sexy Seabass looking all sexy af

Username4: ⤴️ I fucking love Mackie I cant deal

TomHolland2013: My Dad!!! Should I watch this show?!

KeeleyAckles: @TomHolland2013 YES
Username5: ⤴️ yes, Tom yes

Username6: You watch this show too?!

Username7: Keeley, you should guest star on it!

Username8: The Mad Hatter yes

Renner4Real: The show looks like it sucks....kidding

Username9: ⤴️ Gasp

DanneelAckles: Thanks for getting me into this show...I didnt even realize that was him

Username10: ⤴️ What does that mean? Are they dating? Someone tell us!

Username11: I loved him in this

Username12: Nobody cares annoying bitch, stop posting useless shit

RobertDowneyJr: @Username12 my daughter is not annoying she is the most wonderful woman anyone could ever meet. She doesn't need your negativity.

KeeleyAckles: @RobertDowneyJr I love my dad

Username13: Keeley is one of us!!

Username14: Ugh Sebley

Username15: I loved him in this you have no idea

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