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KeeleyAckles: Caught a dorito eating doritos

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KeeleyAckles: Caught a dorito eating doritos

Tagged: ChrisEvans

Liked by KhloeEvans, ChrisHemsworth, and 103.6M Others | 96M Comments

ChrisEvans: They taste exactly how I thought I would taste

Username1: ⤴️ Someone thinks highly of themselves lol

KhloeEvans: I can confirm he does taste good

Username2: Oh my fucking Lord 😂😂

ImSebastianStan: Chris does taste delicious

AnthonyMackie: That is cannibalism!!!

TomHolland2013: And he comes in different flavors

Username3: ⤴️ Lmao every body part of him taste like a different flavored dorito

PrattPrattPratt: Now I want to eat Chris

Username4: ⤴️ Don't we all?

Username5: ⤴️ I volunteer

RobertDowneyJr: The human dorito

Username6: We all want a piece of Chris

Username7: Why Does Keeley call him Dorito?

Username8: @Username7 It is because his body shape is a dorito shape

Renner4Real: Why do we all follow a dorito as our leader?

JensenAckles: wow lol

RealScarJo: That messed up dorito, eating your own kind!

ElizabethOlsen: I can't blame him doritos are so good

Username9: Yass, Keeley's comments are back

Username10: This is the best thing I ever seen

Username11: No Chris, don't eat yourself

Username12: What your eating is bad for you

Username13: Keeley undisabled her comments

Username14: I do love eating Chris

Username15: Comparing Chris to a dorito I cant even lol

Username16: I love how Keeley started the whole dorito thing

Username17: Finally can comment on her pics

Username18: Why does he let her call him a dorito?

Username19: @Username18 Oh relax it is all in good fun the entire Marvel cast calls him that now and Chris rolls with it

Username20: Loving this lol

Username21: I wouldn't mind a piece of Chris

Username22: Chris is the kind of best chips

Username23: Keeley, did you eat some of Chris?

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