45:| Going Out

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With a day off for Seb, Scarlett, Tom, and me we decided to all just go out and have a little fun.

We took one car with Scar driving and Tom in the front passenger seat along with Seb and me in the back; my legs stretched across the seat, resting my feet in his lap. We didn't want to spend the day doing nothing, so we decide to go out and have some fun, in public trying to be normal

I stared up at the bright glowing sign above the entrance stepping out of the car, Seb walked over to me grabbing my hand to walk together heading towards the place.

Inside, we waited in line to pay the entrance fee. I argued with Seb that he didn't have to pay for me, but as a gentleman he insisted and did so. I felt bad, but he told me not to worry about it.

Sitting down at lane twelve, Scar started complaining "I love bowling, but geez these shoes are hideous!" while we put on our shoes to bowl.

"True, but they are fun to have on!" Tom announced standing up to tap dance on the polished hard wood floor. Scar chuckled at his silliness.

Sebastian ignored the two of them questioning me "Ready to lose, Ackles?" putting our names into the machine to get the game started.

He was wrong about that "Oh I am not going to lose, I think you are, Stan!" my competitiveness was starting to come out. I was determined to beat him.

Seb had confidence in himself knowing he was really good at bowling "This I have to see!"

Tom interrupted us causing Seb and I to look towards him,  who was leaning on the machine "Well while you two fight for the win I'll be the loser" I couldn't help but giggle knowing how bad he really was a bowling. My son sent me an odd look not sure why I was laughing exactly "What is so funny? Are you still laughing at what happened this morning?"

I shook my head "No, I am not"

Scar became curious "What happened this morning?"

I started laughing even more now remembering what happened while I leaned on Seb, who chuckled at how much I was laughing. Tom was the one to explain "Yesterday Mom won a bear and she decided to press its stomach having it Roar scaring the living day lights out of me. I hit my head on the headboard cause of it!"

"It was hilarious!" I stated, still laughing

"Sounds hilarious!" Seb told us

Tom asped "Was not! That hurt!" rubbing his head where she got hit.

Calming down I apologized "I am sorry, Tom"

Tommiled at me coming closer giving me a side hug "I still love you, Mommy"

"You better!" I told him

Seb stood up to start the game off directing this to me "Witness me getting a strike"

"That is not going to happen!" I said this with hope in my voice.

"I bet it will" he picked up his fifteen pound ball getting ready to throw it. He was blocking my view of the lane, so I got out of the seat to watch the ball roll down the lane hitting all 10 pins giving him a strike. Sebastian turned to me and smirked raising his hands in victory "Yes! My first strike!"

I grunted folding my arms "You just got lucky!"
"I don't think luck had anything to do with it, Babe" Seb said to me taking his seat.

Since my name lit up, I picked up my 8 pound ball but not before letting him know "Well enjoy your only strike, Seb. Now I am about to get one"

He sat back folding his arms ready to see if I would actually get a strike "prove it!"

I stood there looking at the pines trying to concentrate. I breathed in and threw the ball as it curved knocking down 8 pins, leaving 2 standing. "Fuck!" I mumbled not wanting to see Sebastian's face.

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