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KeeleyAckles: That's a wrap on Kong: Skull Island

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KeeleyAckles: That's a wrap on Kong: Skull Island. So glad I finally had the opportunity to work with Tom Hiddleston. When it comes out go see it or not I cant force you, but like I said Tom is in it so you should.

Liked by ChrisHemsworth, TWHiddleston, and 114.9M Others | 110M Comments

TWHiddleston: It was a pleasure working with you

KeeleyAckles: @TWHiddleston 💙😘

Username1: ⤴️ I could never ship them together they look like brother and sister

ImSebastianStan: I'm going to see it!

ChrisEvans: You know I'll see it

Username2: Go see the movie that almost killed you?

Username3: I love every movie Tom is in so I'm definitely seeing this

KhloePadalecki: Of course I'll see it 💜

PrattPrattPratt: Why would I go see a movie you are in? Ew...Kidding!

ChisHemsworth: Elsa and I will be seeing this

Username4: Me, me, me I'll see it

TomHolland2013: Mom, you're like my fav actress, of course I'll watch this

AnthonyMackie: Dam right ya can't force me, but I'm going to watch it

Username5: I'm all for a movie about King Kong

RealScarJo: I have to support my Wifey, so I'll be seeing it

ElizabethOlsen: Yess, can't wait for this to come out

Username6: Lokiiiiii

Username7: Tom's arms though like please choke me

RobertDowneyJr: You can count on me to see it

JensenAckles: You bet Dani and I will see it

Username8: Isn't this the movie where Keeley got hurt?

Username9: Yess Tom is my favorite

Renner4Real: What kind of Dad am I if I don't see a movie my daughter is in?

Username10: People will want to see it because you are in it too Keeley, not just Tom

Username11: Curious to see what they do with this concept, so I'm interested

Username12: Can't wait to see the trailer so I can decide if I will go see it

Username13: Two of my favs in this movie

Username14: Tom can shoot me with that gun and I'd thank him

Username15: I can't believe Keeley continued to do this movie after her accident

Username16: @Username15 Probably for the money

Username17: I'm going to see it

Username18: Girl, I'd let you force me to do anything

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