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A new Ackles joined us in Texas two hours ago when Danneel, my sister in law, gave a natural birth to a girl.

During the labor, Jensen, our parents and Danneel's parents were there for her. While Gino, her brother, Jared, Khloe and I were the last to get there to see our little bundle of joy; the first niece and granddaughter in the Ackle's family.

The three musketeer's walked into the hospital room to find Jensen and the pair of grandparents surrounding Danneel in bed, dressed in a hospital gown while she held a very tiny human in her arms.

"The party is here" Gino cheered to get everyone's attention, which worked

"Nah the party is the kid" Khloe gushed

Jensen was the first to speak up "About time you arrived!"

We were late for a reason "Traffic was the problem"

My dad understood very well "That's Austin for ya, traffic everywhere!" It was a pain in the ass to get around Austin

"You guys want to hold her?" Danneel could barely take her eyes off of her daughter

Jared almost smacked me in the face raising his arms in the air, excitedly "Me!"

Danneel finally looked up, but at me "Ladies first!"

"So that means me first!" I stuck my tongue out  at Jared before bending down to delicately transfer the girl from Danneel's arms to mine.

"Then me before Moose" Khloe couldn't want to hold the baby.

The newborn yawned, wiggling lightly in her new tiny bundle. My heart grew with more love just looking at her. It felt amazing to hold her in my arms as weird as that may sound.

"She looks like you, Dani" that made her glow with a big smile "and has Jensen's eyes" they were chocolate brown.

Jensen had heart eyes for his daughter "She is beautiful"

"She is" She wasn't even my own child and I loved her with my whole heart. It felt amazing and heartwarming to have her in my arms.

Jared, who was standing behind me, seeing the newborn over my shoulder from being a giant 6"4 Moose, he wondered "Have a name for her yet?" I know they been going back and forth with so many names since Danneel found out she was pregnant.

"Yes," I could hear how proud Jensen was "Dani and I wanted to wait until you were all here, so now that you are we'd like you to meet Gabriella Noelle Ackles"

I liked the name Gabriella

"Beautiful name" Khloe smiled

My mom gushed at the name "She looks like a Gabriella"

Danneel' mom nodded having to agree with that "She does doesn't she?"

"And Dani," I looked up at her "How are you feeling?" She did just go through so many hours of labor

"Numb but good, glad the hard part is finally over"

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now