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"We are here?" Khloe wanted to know, letting curiosity get the best of her for the 100th time in the last couple hours.

Me and the rest of Khloe's bridesmaides didn't even let her look out of the windows especially when we were landing in her suprise destination.

Being her maid of honor and the person who is supposed to plan her Bachelorette party I came up with the perfect plan for her. We were on a private plane on our way to Hawaii for a week; well five day weekend to be exact. It took quite a lot of hours to get there and will take hours to get back. We practically lose 2 days. I discussed it with the girls and decided to suprise her. She was clueless. I even had to pack her suitcase for her so the proper outfits would be brought with here. Traveling to a place like that is more our thing. We were getting older and going to AC or Vegas to go to clubs isn't our thing.

Zelena looked out of the window "We are, yes"

That made Khloe jumped out of her seat and leap towards the window to take a look at the view outside as we all just stared at our friend.

She saw that we were in a private airport on an Island in Honolulu.

"No, this cant be" She turned in the direction of me "You did not take me to Hawaii"

"I believe I did" I shrugged my shoulders trying to hold back a smile. I knew she'd love this
And she did

"I love you, Keeley" She charged at me to wrap her small arms around me. Due to her impact, I lost my balance, slamming me right back into the comfortable cushioned seat that saved both of us from getting hurt.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you" She chanted almost into the chair.

Between the chair and my friend, I gladly told her "You're very welcome"

She lifted herself up a bit so that I could finally have air pass back into my lungs "How did you know I always wanted to come here?"

"Because I know you"

"Didnt Chris tell you"

"That too" I laughed

"Keep that excitement up and let's get this bachelorette started" Gen, her sister in law, cheered, heading for the door ready for fun times to begin.

"Yes," Khloe gushed. I could practically feel the excitement radiating off of her aura "I can't even wait to see what you girls have in store for me"

We had a lot in store for her yet how could we do it with her still on my lap "It can start by you getting up"

"Right sorry" she got to her feet, extending her hand to help me up. I gladly took it.

We grabbed our luggage, ready for one hell of a party.

"Remember girls" Vanessa reminded us all as we each struggled with our bags down the big long metal stairs before we get into shenanigans "What happens in Hawaii stays in Hawaii"

Gen looked back at her friend oddly "Isn't the saying Vegas?"

"Yes, but we aren't in Vegas"

Our group were out in the beautiful yet Hawaiian Fresh air waiting for the limo that is on it's way to take us to our private location.

"You know I kinda want to watch Moana now" Khloe announced, getting the vibes from just being here.

We all chuckled at such a thing

Since she mentioned that, I had the sudden urge to watch that fantastic movie too "Godamit, now I want to watch it"

Lizzy added in on that, placing an arm around Khloe "And I think Chris is rubbing off on you" He was one hundred perfect a Disney loving nerd that she and I loved him for.

"He is" I nodded, agreeing so "in a good way"

"We can save that for the plane ride back" Scarlett rolled her eyes playfully. Why watch a movie when we have a whole beautiful island to be on that none of us has been to.

"What are we waiting for anyway?" Khloe wanted to know considering we were all standing around the airport


A long black limo came into view coming straight for us eight girls.

Khloe's mouth practically dropped all the way down to the floor "You girls are making me feel like a princess!"

"Girl you are a Queen" Danneel even did the hand snap to go with it. Every bride to be deserved to be treated like a Queen.

"Wow, just wow"

That had to be we were setting the bar so high for this trip and had to keep it going uphill from here.

Havung the limo being in front of us, I stepped up to check if the door was unlocked; it was "M'lady" I opened it wide for Khloe to be the first one to get in.

She curtseyed like a Queen should "Well, thank you"

She got in followed by Danneel, Lizzy, Scar, Gen, Zelena, Vanessa, then me.

Inside the limo had blinking lights in every color surrounding every inch of the hood, wine, champagne on ice, water and a handful of beers.

"Should we toast?" I announced to the lovely ladies, I mean we had drinks in here.

"Wait" Danneel cut in "I Cant toast with water it's bad luck" Due to her being pregnant she couldn't drink any alcohol.

"Is it?" Gen seemed shocked with slight confusion in her voice "I never knew that"

"Yeah," I remembered someone once telling me that "It is"

"Don't you like beer?" Scar pointed to the beer that was lined up behind her


"There should be non alcoholic beer" taking a gander of all of them "There is Clausthaler and Weihenstephane"

Danneel didnt even have to think of which one she'd like "I'll have the Weihenstephane"

Once we had drinks in our hand, the rest of us having white wine, we lifted our drinks in the air "To the bride!"

"To me" Danneel giggled, ecstatic to have this trip all about her.

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now