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ImSebastianStan: The view I love waking up to every morning, so happy to have her back home with me and Tucker

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ImSebastianStan: The view I love waking up to every morning, so happy to have her back home with me and Tucker

Tagged: KeeleyAckles

Liked by ChrisEvans, RealScarJo, and 121.9M Others | 110M Comments

KeeleyAckles: I love you but I look so terrible🤮

ImSebastianStan: @KeeleyAckles Where? You are beautiful 😍

Username1: Awwwww🥰

Username2: I agree, Sebastian ♥️

Username3: Boyfriend goals!!!

AnthonyMackie: Good to see it's a clothed picture in your bed

ImSebastianStan: @AnthonyMackie Lol shut up, Chocolatchino🤦🏻‍♂️

Username4: Omg Mackie👍😂

Username5: Well true though haha

Username6: Why Mackie??? hahaha

TomHolland2013: I do have a beautiful Mom

Username7: Smooth, Sebatian 👍

ChrisEvans: I know the feeling 🖤

KhloePadalecki: Looks like a staying in bed all day kind of day

SallyWalker: Awww Seb that's too cute 💜

Username8: Fucking hate her for dating you, Sebastian

Username9: Oops my heart went...fuck!!

Username10: Can we be happy for Sebastian? He's so happy and it's adorable

RobertDowneyJr: Sleeping Beauty has awaken

RealScarJo: My Wifey is flawless💜

PrattPrattPratt: Someone has to enjoy that view 😝

Username11: You don't have to lie, Sebastian

Renner4Real: What is she smiling at?

KeeleyAckles: @Renner4Real Tucker being adorable

ElizabethOlsen: Don't hog her again

ImSebastianStan: @ElizabethOlsen Oh but I will

Username12: I get it Sebastian I love her tok

Username13: They totally Fucked

Username14: I need a man like this

Username15: My OTP being cute again💜

Username16: Can someone show me off like Sebastian does with Keeley

Username17: How is Keeley real?! Perfect teeth, naturally beautiful, killer body, perfect hair, Can I be her?

Username18: How does someone look that good in the morning?

Username19: She's a view😍

Username20: Cutie♥️

Username21: Awww I'm so happy for you, Sebastian

Username22: I'd give anything to be on that bed

Username23: Can't blame you, Sebastian she's beautiful

Username24: Stan that Queen

Username25: Caption is adorable

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