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PrattPrattPratt: Finally got to hang out with this pain in the ass

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PrattPrattPratt: Finally got to hang out with this pain in the ass. I been making her smile and laugh all day, but Keeley easily does that just by looking at my face. We are now dating, sorry Sebster

Tagged: KeeleyAckles

Liked by ZoeSaldana, ImSebastianStan, and 117M Others | 107.3M Comments

KeeleyAckles: I laugh because you are funny looking 😜

PrattPrattPratt: @KeeleyAckles Awww, thank you 💙☺

Username1: ⤴️ Keeley, no lol

Username2: Chris is sexy af

Username3: This is why I love Keeley

Username4: Such a friendship 💙

Username5: He called Sebastian 'Sebster', what a nickmame, Pratt lol

ImSebastianStan: That's okay, you can have her 😂

KeeleyAckles: @ImSebastianStan Hey!

ImSebastianStan: @KeeleyAckles I'm kidding, Babe I wouldnt let anyone take you away from me

Username6: ⤴️ Can we talk about Sebastians comment. Im dead!

Username7: ⤴️ I can't even with Sebastian 💜

RealScarJo: Keels is my Wifey!! We are married no one acknowledges this? 😂

AnthonyMackie: @RealScarJo I do 😉

Username8: ⤴️ We know what he's thinking

Username9: ⤴️ No Mackie no hahaha

Username10: ⤴️ Actually yes, Mackie

ChrisEvans: I knew Keeley first, so she was in a relationship with me before anyone else!

KhloeEvans: @ChrisEvans First is the worst second is the best; me 😝

Username11: Everyone of Keeley's friends are saying they are in a relationship with her hahahahaha

Username12: Sebster? I am going to start calling him that

TomHolland2013: Your face is hilarious, can't blame her

ZoeSaldana: 😂😂😂❤❤❤❤

ElizabethOlsen: 😂😂😂

Username13: This is a cute friendship

Username14: Oh Chris haha

Username15: I want to be in a relationship with Chris

Username16: Wow, Keeley looks beautiful

Username17: I want to date Keeley

Username18: Why do people think she is dating everyone?

Username19: Classic Pratt

Username20: I want to be friends with them

Username21: He always calls her his pain in the ass hahaha

Username22: You tell them! Haha

Username23: Can I be in a relationship with Keeley?

Username24: They kinda do look cute together

Username25: This is such a brother and sister relationship

Username26: You are a sexy man

Username27: Starlord and Crimson Shadow

Username28: I have a lot of guy friends like Keeley does. What is wrong with that? In no way does that mean anything other than platonic

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