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The day has come for ACL fest: The biggest music fest in Austin that us Texans look forward to every year. It had live music and alcohol. Who wouldn't enjoy themselves?

Jared, Genevieve, Jensen, Danneel, Joe, Scott, and I were all hanging around having a great time.

"What is everyone having?" Scott wondered the group, ready to have drinks. Dannel was going
to be every ones designated driver going home. "Should I get a round of beers?"

"Yes" my brother cheered "Beer would be great"

"I'll have a beer" Jared agreed ready for drink.

"Jen, could I get a water?" being pregnant, Danneel couldn't drink any alcohol.

I wasnt feeling up for a beer, "I'll have a glass of wine"

"White?" my brother questioned


"I'm down for some sex on the beach" Gen was craving it.

Jared, her husband, turned to her "Darling, as much as I'd love that we aren't exactly near any beach at the moment"

"No, you Moose" She groaned, smacking him on his arm "I want the drink"

"Nah, sex is better than any drink"

"Ok we dont want to get into your sex life" Joe laughed "let's get the ladies and ourselves some drinks"

When the men walked away leaving us girls to wait something or someone has caught Danneel's eye, gushing "He actually came"

Looking in the direction that Danneel did, Gen grew a smile on her face as she dug into her pocket "and let me record this"

"Who came?" My back was facing the way they were looking.

"Um" Danneel, tried playing it off glancing at Gen "Blake Shelton I was hoping he would sing today"

"What?" I knew she didn't even listen to his music. That is when I got interrupted by my phone buzzing in my back jean pocket. I didn't hesitate to answer it right away not bothering to look at who was calling "Hello?"

"You didn't think I would pass up an opportunity to see you did you?" Sebastian questioned not bothering go even say Hello.

"What?" I asked a little confused

He ordered "Turn around"

"Turn around?" I did what he said though. The world seemed to pause all but Sebastian. There he stood with many eyes on him, but only his eyes were on me. My eyes brightened and my face lit up. I threw my phone not even bothering to see that Danneel caught it before it could hit the ground.

I made a dash towards Seb, making my way past so many people. His face was glowing with happiness as I leaped into his arms.
"You're actually here!" I stated mostly to myself not believing he would actually be here right now. "How?"

"I requested time off I needed to see you" Seb whispered in my ear placing me down, but not letting go of me.

"You just made my day" I let him know, and it was the truth. This was so unexpected.

"I am glad to hear that" He smiled my way "even though I am hating that so many people are here I want to kiss you" flashes were go off, so we needed to be careful not to make it too obvious.

Ugh that is what I needed right now "me too"
We had to resist the urge, people were starting to crowd us, wanting to meet him

"How long are you going to be here?"

"4 Days"

Short amount of time yet it was so worth it.
I turned around taking his hand to follow me heading back to my group of people. My entire group's eyes were on my boyfriend and me

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now