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ImSebastianStan: Keeley's first time in Romania

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ImSebastianStan: Keeley's first time in Romania.

Tagged: KeeleyAckles

Liked by AnthonyMackie, ChrisEvans, and 127M Others | 120.1M Comments

KeeleyAckles: I dont want to leave! I love it here 💚

ImSebastianStan: @KeeleyAckles I'm glad because I'm having a great time with you

Username1: ⤴️ Sebastian took Keeley to Romania?!

Username2: ⤴️ Oh come on date already!!

Username3: ⤴️ I literally can not get enough of Sebley ugh

PrattPrattPratt: Good stay there dont come back 😝

KeeleyAckles: @PrattPrattPratt Fine, I wont 😝

Username4: You two are so cute 🧡

ChrisEvans: I'm here missing you guys 😟

KeeleyAckles: @ChrisEvans I miss you too! 😢

ImSebastianStan: @ChrisEvans I miss you way more than Keeley does

KeeleyAckles: @ImSebastianStan That's not true

ImSebastianStan: @KeeleyAckles Yes it is

KeeleyAckles: @ImSebastianStan Nu uh!!

ImSebastianStan: @KeeleyAckles It is and I'm sure he misses me more than you 😜

KeeleyAckles: @ImSebastianStan oh please 🙄 he does not!!

ChrisEvans: @ImSebastianStan @KeeleyAckles I'm enjoying this 🤣 Love you two!!

Username5: ⤴️ Fighting over who misses Chris more 😂😂😂

Username6: ⤴️ I miss Chris and I never met him

Username7: I love everything about this photo

KhloePadalecki: Awwww look at you two

Username8: He took her to Romania?!

Username9: Why?!

Renner4Real: Is he being a good tour guide? @KeeleyAckles

KeeleyAckles: @Renner4Real Yes, Seb has been showing me beautiful places here lm having a great time

Username10: Sebastian and Keeley seriously make a cute couple

ElizabethOlsen: Cant wait for Keeley to come back so I can steal her away from you

ImSebastianStan: @ElizabethOlsen You can't steal her away! Its not much longer untill she goes away for filming, so I need all the Keels time I can get

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