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As the sun slowly set behind the blue ocean to cast off a beautiful orange glow, I was barefoot on the soft sand drawing a heart right where the water meets the sand.

Using a random stick I found, I wrote letters inside the heart.

I smiled down at my creation, content of what I made when familiar arms wrapped themselves around me "What did you-" looking at what was below us, Sebastian stopped himself mid question.

I turned my head to the side in order to see if I got the reaction I wanted out of him, watching his face go from confusion to what the fuck, to really?

He slowly turned to look back at me, in 'fake' annoyance

I couldn't help but burst out into laughter leaning back into him, getting exactly what I wanted.

In the heart was written 'I love Bucky Barnes'

"What, it is the truth!" I shrugged, innocently. Even before I met Sebastian I had a very strong liking for Bucky and now that I fell in love with the man who plays him, my love for Bucky grew too; not ashamed of that.

He shook his head at me "I was expecting to see SS + KA or Sebley even, not I love Bucky Barnes"

I continued to laugh, feeling him let go of me
I watched watched him bend down to smooth the lettering away.

"Hey" I pouted at him. I worked hard to create my masterpiece of my love for a fictional character.

All Seb did was smile up at me for destroying it before writing what he wanted in the sand.
'Seb + Keels' was now in the heart

"Much better" nodding in approval of his work

"Ehh, I liked mine better"

"Yeah, yeah, Babe" Sebastian grabbed my hand, intertwining them together to continue our long walk on the beach.

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now