34:| Explanation

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It has been about three weeks give or take a few days since Sebastian and my first date. I'd have to admit that things were going well for us despite what we thought at first. We put aside the fears and since that night, we knew everyone was right about the way we were feeling for each other. Something is there between us.

For now Sebastian and I are just enjoying each other as we can't get enough of kissing- when we are alone of course. We try and not make a big deal out of it around the set or our friends; except around Chris. We are closest to him and I guess we feel most comfortable around him to not care? That means we aren't official.

Eventually when Sebastian asks me to be official I will, one hundred percent, say yes. Sebastian and I want this to lead to more. We feel like it will. Neither of us want to mess it up, so we are taking our time at the moment, having failed in the past and rushing.

We've gone on two more dates since our first and most of what consisted on these dates were our lips practically being attached to one another like Velcro. We can't get enough. So, yes there will be more dates and we are both looking forward to it.

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