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Today Chris and I were on The Ellen show promoting Captain America: Civil War.

Chris and I were sitting close on the guest couch across from Ellen as she told us "Congrats, the movie is getting such great buzz"

I heard it's been and that's great. I smiled at her "Thanks"

Chris nodded in approval "Its doing okay, isn't it?"

"You want in a movie is for people to say you know" Ellen went on, changing her wording "It's like the third one right?"

"Yeah" Chris shrugged "You'd think they'd be sick of it hopefully no one is" He loved being Captain America and wanted to keep playing him.

Ellen tried to argue, seeing how good it was "No they are not, it's great congrats." turning to me now "This is the sixth movie you done with Chris?"

Yup, we done that many so far "Yes"

"So you should know him pretty well by now" Ellen was joking, she known that we been best friends for eleven years now "You know he likes to scare people"

That got Chris to chuckle as I began "I remembered it afterwards. I was like when Scarlett was on here last year for Avengers he scared her. Why didn't I think of that?"

"That was his idea" Ellen pointed behind her to reveal a picture on the big screen of Chris scaring the shit out of Scar.

"How can you resist." Chris pressed on "It's the best part about your show. You indorse this type of behavior"

Ellen laughed at his statement "It is so much fun"

Chris went on about the time he scared show. glancing at the picture that was still up "That was the best. I took my shoes off to come out and scare her and I wanted to be a ninja"

Ellen nodded "You're good at it. I haven't seen it yet but you scared Keeley before the show right?"

"I did" Chris was so proud of himself over that, placing an arm around me.

Ellen questioned "You were hiding in the bathroom"

"I was!"

"How did you get her in there?"

I had to interrupt to partially tell what happened "He didn't. I was told there were QVC products in the bathroom to check out"

Chris added in "You baited her"

Ellen turned to her crew in front of us "Let's see what happened"

A video started to play having us all turn our attention to the screen.

On the video, it showed Chris on floor of the bathroom, on his knees prepared to scare his best friend.

The camera then cut to me walking into the room while Ellen's crew told me about the QVC products.

Being a girl, that made me interested so I decided to head in the bathroom. I opened the door to step in just for Chris to jump up and scream "Keeley!"

I suddenly became frozen in spot, screaming so loud, placing my hands on my face from the scare.

From my reaction, Chris went down doing his usual left boob grab, hysterally laughing.
All I could do was stand there trying to get my breath back into my lungs. Chris stood up, coming to push me up against the wall and give me a big bear hug.

When the video ended, Chris was sitting next to me, still laughing about it.

I shook my head, seeing how I reacted "I have the worst fight or flight response"

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