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KhloeEvans: Why did I agree to join this Romanian at the gym? At least my core is getting a work out from laughing so much!

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KhloeEvans: Why did I agree to join this Romanian at the gym? At least my core is getting a work out from laughing so much!

Tagged: ImSebastianStan

Liked by KeeleyAckles, TomHolland2013, and 100.2M Others | 95.2M Comments


mSebastianStan: I'm a fun gym partner!

KhloeEvans: @ImSebastianStan You sure about that?

ImSebastianStan: @KhloeEvans You're laughing, so I'd think so!

KeeleyAckles: Why is this the man I love 😂😂

Username1: ⤴️ Because it is Sebastian

Username2: ⤴️ How can you not love him?

Username3: ⤴️ hahaha

ChrisEvans: That's why you should go to the gym with me!

KhloeEvans: @ChrisEvans Definitely, my love

AnthonyMackie: Damn those legs, boi! Never skip leg day🦵

Username4: ⤴️ Thunder thighs🦵

Username5: ⤴️ I agree, Mackie 😂

RobertDowneyJr: Is he challenging Superman?

RealScarJo: @RobertDowneyJr I think he is 😂

Username6: Wtf? 😂😂

Username7: Oh my God I want to go to the gym with Sebastian!

ElizabethOlsen: Its a bird, it's a plane, its Superman...No it's a Romanian Dork

Username8: ⤴️ lmao yesss😂

Username9: I'd give anything just to spend one day with Sebastian

Username10: The world doesnt deserve him❤

TomHolland2013: I always get a kick out of going to the gym with my dad

Username11: He is such a dork but that is why we love him

Renner4Real: How does he get any exercises in?

Username12: ⤴️ I think we all wonder that

Username13: Did Sebastian fall after taking these pics? 😂

Username14: He goofs around yet he is so fit

Username15: Sebastian, what are you doing?

Username16: Why does he have a bandana around his head?

Username17: I would be so distracted if I ever saw him at the gym

Username18: I want Sebastian to be my fitness instructor haha

Username19: Are these his 'I look good' poses?

Username20: Laughter is the best and easiest exercise

Username21: Thank you for these, Mrs. Evans

Username22: Nice poses, Sebastian 😂

Username23: I can never get enough of Sebastian Stan content like this

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