56:| Part 2

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This time Seb, Lizzy, Tom, and I were waiting for Mackie to arrive at his trailer knowing he is done with a scene and usually goes right to his traile.

Waiting, Tom was peaking to find him when he came running back to where we were hiding "He's close"

We patiently watched the man walk up the steps as we quietly run over. This time I was recording all this action with Lizzy's phone.

Anthony was in the walk way, glancing around his little place. All of a sudden, we heard him burst out laughing. "I love it!" He shouted, turning to us "My new decor is staying come on in" he waved us in.

Tom skippped on right in after him.
Lizzy followed behind but not without saying "He likes it too much"

I was enjoying this, mentioning to Seb "I am a bit disappointed I was really hoping for him to get mad"

Seb agreed, following me into the trailer and out of the fresh air "I know"

"This is great" Revealing on camera that Mackie was looking around at all the places we plastered Sebastian's face. "You know what's really funny I was about to redecorate the place exactly like this"

Tom was curious, taking a seat on the couch, the only place we didnt put Seb's face "Are you uncomfortable by this at all?"

"What the decorations?"


"Not at all" Mackie couldn't get rid of the smile on his face "know what's weird though?"

"What's weird about this?" Seb just had to ask in a room full of his own face.

"I am disoriented in here because this is exactly what Keeley's trailer should look like"

I laughed along with everyone over that
"Its amazingly relaxing" I was enjoying it. The place was filled with a handsome man.

"And it is very blue" Anthony commented on the blue background of all the pics of his Sexy Seabass "which is calming I like that"

Lizzy was glad to hear that, content of how this went down "Good"

"Hey" Mackie turned to his man

Seb shot back at him "Hey"

Mackie placed a hand on my man's shoulder "Wait to see what happens to your trailer"

"Filled with pics of you?"

"You need a handsome Devil all over your place" practically giving each other heart eyes.

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