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AnthonyMackie: Sam and Metal Arm may hate each other, but we can agree on hating Spidey Boy

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AnthonyMackie: Sam and Metal Arm may hate each other, but we can agree on hating Spidey Boy

Tagged: ImSebastianStan

Liked by KeeleyAckles, RealScarJo, and 112.8M Others | 98.3M Comments

TomHolland2013: It's Spiderman and I would've beat you two if it wasn't for Red Wing

AnthonyMackie: @TomHolland2013 You lost against us! We got free by Crimson Shadow's help so you suck!

TomHolland2013: @AnthonyMackie I demand a rematch!

AnthonyMackie: @TomHolland2013 Come at me bro!!

Renner4Real: ⤴️ Civil War 2.0 begins, I am staying out of this one!

Username1: ⤴️ Living for these comments

Username2: ⤴️ Now we need a youtube video of them fighting again

ChrisEvans: He wasn't on Team Cap, but he's a good kid

TomHolland2013: @ChrisEvans It is an honor to hear that, Cap

Username3: ⬆️ He is so Cap!

Username4: ⤴️Chris your Cap is showing

SallyWalker: I cant with you lmao

Username5: ⤴️ Isn't she Anthony's girlfriend?

KeeleyAckles: Leave Spiderman alone!

AnthonyMackie: @KeeleyAckles You're Team Cap and you punched him you should be agreeing with us!

KeeleyAckles: @AnthonyMackie Spiderman is smol bean though and I love him. He is better than bird boy!!

AnthonyMackie: @KeeleyAckles GASP it is Falcon

ImSebastianStan: @KeeleyAckles Is he better than Bucky?

KeeleyAckles: @ImSebastianStan Not a chance no one is better than Bucky

ImSebastianStan: @KeeleyAckles Dam right!

Username6: ⤴️ I love that Keeley has like an obsession with Bucky but same

Username7: ⤴️ I totally agree, Keeley

Username8: Metal Arm? hahaha

Username9: I cant with these two!

Username10: What are they even doing?

Username11: Spiderman is a great super hero

Username12: Teamng up to hate Spiderman?

Username13: Two children 😂

KhloeEvans: Boys be nice

RobertDowneyJr: Peter and I can agree on hating both of you!

ImSebastianStan: Might be our best picture

ElizabethOlsen: He became an Avenger, You two aren't even considered Avengers, so he is better!

Username14: ⤴️ Truth!

Username15: ⤴️ Yesssss.

Username16: ⤴️ Burn

RealScarJo: Oh boys 😂

Username17: What is wrong with Spiderman?

Username18: Where did they even find that?

Username19: Tom makes a precious Spiderman

Username20: I could never hate these two

Username21: Why does Bucky and Falcon hate eachother?

Username22: Boys will be boys

Username23: Hey no hating on Spiderman!

Username24: I want to join them haha

Username25: Heyy Spiderman is my fav

Username26: They look like they are going to eat him

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