21:| Morning

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With the sun shining into my trailer bedroom as I lay asleep, there was a shadow that suddenly casted over my face.

I chose to ignore it so that I could stay asleep, but then I heard an all too familiar voice "Beautiful, wake up!"

I slurred half asleep "Give me a reason to!"

"Okay!" and with that I felt lips against my cheek causing heat to rush through them

A smile curled on my face "I don't think that is enough to get me up. I need more!"

That cute chuckle ran through my ears "I know what will get you up"

"Oh yeah? Let's see it then!" I mumbled waiting to see what was going to happen.

I opened my eyes, turning to my side to see Sebastian sitting next to where I was laying. He lightly pushed me down onto my back and climbed right on top of me. He didn't waste another second to crash his lips right onto mine. It was unexpected causing me to gasp. He started to slide his right hand to the back of my neck caressing it gently while his other hand rested on my cheek making the kiss deeper. My arms slid up gently relaxing on the back of his neck. It did not take long to feel Sebastian's tongue slowly grazing my bottom lip, begging for entry. I parted my lips gladly accepting as he roughly ventured into my mouth. Once our tongues met, they started to dance around exploring each other's mouths. We stayed like that for quite some time until he broke the kiss so that he could leave kisses along my jaw line.

I was feeling bliss but I had to ask "Um, Sebastian?"

Sebastian stopped only for a second to say "What?" before continuing what he was doing.

"This is not going to help me get up! I am going to want to lay in bed all day and do this" I informed him

He came back up to face me, our noses almost touching "Yes it will! If you don't get up now you won't get any kisses later and I know you can't resist me!" He got off of me to stand up

All I could do was lay there pouting wanting more "Really? That was such a tease!" He smiled down at me "I hate you!" I mumbled jokingly

Sebastian chuckled "Love you too, Keels, come on"

I smiled "Give me one more kiss and I will get up!"

He slowly leaned down to give me a peck.

It wasn't enough for me I grabbed his shirt to bring him right back onto the bed.

"You know, Keeley-" his voice was trying to tell me something, but I barely could make it out as it began to fade into the distance.

I fluttered my eyes open to reveal that yes, I was in my trailer bedroom however Sebastian wasn't here. I was back to reality and alone.

"Oh come on!"

You'd think after weeks of working with Sebastian, the crush would finally fade- nope! It just made it grow stronger. At least people lightened up about it after that first night. I just made sure not to tell anyone how I been feeling lately. He is just an amazing man who is sweet and loving and dorky and amazingly talented and funny and makes me feel so comfortable and safe even though on the other hand I am fighting with myself not to get involved because I'm setting myself up for another heartbreak.

Ugh why did I have to have that dream? Sighing, trying to not think about it, I took a glance at the clock on the night stand. I still had time before I have to get dressed in my Crimson Shadow clothes and get my makeup done. I decided I am going to have a nice relaxing bath to start the day heading straight for the bathroom. It took me at least ten minutes maximum to run the bath which included me plugging the drain so that no water could escape, turning on the warm water, and contemplating my collection of different bath bubbles. I finally decided on Pina Colada pouring it in. Hovering over the edge of the tub, I dipped my entire hand into the water to make sure it didn't get too hot as it slowly began to fill with bubbles spreading out everywhere. After all that was done, I turned off the faucet, got to my feet to put on my iPod on shuffle and dimmed the lights to cast a soft glow in the room with the window shade down.
I stripped down slipping into the tub putting my body under the warm water to break the bubble barrier. "This is so dam relaxing just what I need!" I could feel every one of my muscles relax with a sense of comfort having the Pina colada smell filling my nose.

Feeling at ease, I made sure my hands were not wet.

Maybe listening to music while in here would be a bad idea though. Sometimes the rhythm of the song gets to me. Hearing 'Toxic' come on. My shoulders started moving with my vocal chords singing along. I was in no plane to dance around to this, but it'll do. It was a jam. I couldn't resist up until my phone started beeping; I got a text

Morning beautiful,
Are you awake?

I can see that
you are too lol

Lol I was wondering 
if you were ready to 
get breakfast

I just need like 5 min

No problem.
Chris wants to know
why you need 5 min

I am naked at the moment
and need to get dressed 
Let me guess Chris said 
That no one would mind 
if I walked out like that

His exact words

Smack him for me

I did

I'll be right out

I dried off and quickly got dressed so I could step out of my trailer.

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