43:| Video Game Fun

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"Ugh, I guess that is our cue to get up!" Seb and I were cuddled up in his trailer continuing our F.R.I.E.N.D.S marathon, already on Season 4 when he has to leave and film. I still had a while till I was going to be called.

"Guess so" I yawned, sitting up.

Then we couldn't get fully up, he crashed his lips onto mine, trying to bring me down to lay on to the couch. I mean it was a very nice surprise to enjoy, however he had to go. I pulled away and turning my head slightly, seeing a frown from on his lips. We usually can't pull away from another.

"What?" I questioned the handsome man on top of me

"You stopped"

Peck on the lips


Peck on the lips

"Pulled away"

Peck of the lips

"From me"

"You have to leave and if you don't we'll just be here making out for hours"

Seb sent me a look "And?!"

I mean I wouldn't be complaining, but he had to go

"And that means you have to go be Bucy for a few hours or you won't be getting paid"

"I rather be doing this"

"Go get dressed, Barnes"

"What if I need help?" Seb questioned with a smile, standing up straight with a little stretch

I couldn't help but roll my eyes "You are a grown adult man I think you can handle it"

Seb was disappointed with my answer, wanting a better one "Could be a fun a little show that you wouldn't want to miss out on"

"I bet, but some other time" Sure that was tempting, yet not a good time.

He scrunched up his face adorably "I don't want to wait that is no fun!"

"I know" I smiled, shaking my head at him "Now go"

"I am!" before it was time to run out the door and be on our way, well for him. I still had time before I was being called to set. I was going to Tom's trailer.

We were going our separate ways, but Seb had other plans. Before I knew it, he was standing behind me as I felt his hands press down on my shoulder to stop me "Brace yourself"

Knowing what to expect, he jumped on me for a piggy back ride

"Oof" I yelped out trying to keep my balance as I grabbed onto his legs that swung around my waist along with his weight on me.

Seb was laughing at me "got this?"

"Possibly" I muttered, putting one foot in front of the other at a slow pace.

At least he gave me a warming this time, last time this happened we lost balance and fell into a bush leaving us with a few scratches.
Even he had to be surprised with my strength being able to do this. Now, it would definitely be a whole different story if it was Chris; there would be no way I could be able to hold that man up and walk with that weight on me "I think I found my new favorite way to get around set"

"Hey" I rolled my eyes at that "you can't ride me all day"

Silence followed my comment as it took my brain a moment to process what I said followed by me giggling. I could just picture the look on Sebastian's face.

"Oooooo that sounds like a lot of fun, Babe" I could just tell images were running though that head of his

"Nope" had to disappoint my man "we have work to do"

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