139:|One Year

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Today was a big day.

For anyone, this is just another passing day, but for Sebastian and me it was our one year anniversary.

We made it to a year wooooo

I wasn't sure what was planned to celebrate. Seb wouldn't tell me anything. Khloe got involved and insisted on taking me out for the day. I tried to deny because it was our anniversary yet Seb told me to go with her, have fun, and we would celebrate later; he had something to do.

Khloe took me to brunch and to a spa that was out of town for a girls day before bringing me back later that night when it started getting dark.

Arriving back, I opened the front door to what seemed like an empty home even though Sebastian's car and motorcycle was in the driveway.

I know Tucker wouldn't run to greet me like usual because he was with Dodger at Christopher's house.

"Seb?" I called out

I got no answer back

He must have been upstairs someplace and couldn't hear me; I dont know. I was going go head up the long staircase to find him. Something held me back from inching up the steps catching my eyes. Something was shinning up ahead and outside.

It made me curious so I walked towards the light.

It was coming from our backyard.

Opening the screen doors I felt like I was brought into a daze by the sight before me.
Hanging white lights were hung up all around the yard from trees and poles making a beautiful glow under the moon light.

The table on the long stretched porch had a blue cloth ontop along with two dinner plates set up, and wine waiting to be poured.

The pool was lit up with floating candles.
It was romantic.

Is this why Sebastian wanted me gone for a while?

This man continues to suprise me always doing things like this in the spur of the moment. It was almost like he was recreating our first date.

Suddenly, I felt familiar arms wrap themselves around me and a head rest on my shoulders. I leaned back into him "Happy one year Anniversary, Babe"

I sighed, contently "Happy one year, Seb"

I turned my body around, still in his arms, to face my boyfriend giving me a peck on the lips. Looking into those eyes of his that is so easy to get lost in.

I just love Sebastian so much. He makes me feel things that nobody ever made me feel. He does things like this to show me that I am special to him. I dont know what I did in my life to deserve this man, but I'm very grateful. Seb became my everything, my Romanian Prince. This year has been one hell of a ride. Sure, the ride had it's ups and downs just like every other relationship. Every part of it was worth it. It was a ride I never want to get off of. I almost feel like a Taylor Swift song; not any of her recent ones that are all about breakups I mean her songs when she first started out.



"Keeley?!" He shook me slightly

"Hmm?" I must have been lost in thought "Sorry what?"

Seb chuckled at me "You blanked and was staring at me. I know I am good looking but am I that handsome to hypnotize you?"

I playfully rolled my eyes at him from such a thing "No! I got lost in thought"

"Thinking about what?" he wondered what got me so lost

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